"Helleno-Yishurin. The Hebrew Origin of Greek Legends"

by-John R. Salverda

Foreword by Brit-Am The early Greeks were once ruled by Israelites in addition to receiving cultural and ethnic input from the Canaanite Nations. This is reflected in Greek Mythology.
In the list below are articles by John R. Salverda that give case-by-case examples of how Greek Mythology copied from or was otherwise influenced by Biblical Prototypes.

With the agreement of the author, John Salverda, we have made minor deletions from the original to make it more suitable for Brit-Am reading.
Nevertheless, though we may agree with the overall research of John Salverda his opinions remain his own and on some matters we may be in disagreement.

For the Table of Contents Please Scroll Down \.

The Danaans.
The Identification of Israel with Saturn.
Europa and Jeroboam of Israel.
Sisyphus and Joseph.
Salmoneus as Judah.
Moses, Hermes, and Io.
"Olympus: The Council of the gods".
"Perseus: The Youth of Perseus".
"Perseus: The Graeae and the Mountain".
"Perseus: Medusa".
"Perseus Compared to Moses
and the Danites of Jaffa".
The Wanderings.
Perseus at the Danite seaport of Joppa
Perseus, Dan, and the Golden Calf of Dionysus
The Walls of Mycenae; The Returns of the Perseids; Conclusion.
Bellerophon and Pegasus; Bellerophon: The Successor of Perseus; Pegasus
Bellerophon, Joshua, and the Canaanite Conquest of Lycia in Turkey
Bellerophon, the Amazons, and the Reproach of Egypt
Bellerophon and Joshua, the Conquest Left Incomplete.
Athens and the Hebrews. The Other Lost Israelites.
Jerusalem Compared to Athens in Greek Mythology.
Pelops, Ahab and the Achaeans.
Abraham in Greek Mythology.

Also by John R. Salverda:
Scandinavian Legends and the Hebrew Bible.
The Aesir Legends from Norse Mythology.

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