The Identification of Israel with Saturn

by John R. Salverda

Background: The Greeks and Romans identified the People of Israel with their mythological deity Cronos or Saturn as the Romans called him. They also said that Saturn and his people had been deposed from their base in the Eastern Mediterranean (which could mean the Land of Israel) and gone first to Italy and then to the British Isles where they were still to be found. We have shown that in their own way they were in fact saying that the Lost Ten Tribes had gone to Britain and Ireland.
Did the Ancients identify the Lost Israelites with Saturn in the British Isles?
In the article below, John R. Salverda, gives us more information concerning the identification of Saturn with Israel.

Do you want more proof of the identification of "Israel" with "Saturn" ? With what you already know about the "Umman Manda" and the lost "Tribes of Israel," please consider the following, especially the quotes from Herodotus and Velikovsky, which you seem to be unaware of;
The Israelites are famous Sabbath keepers.
The populace of Israel was deported by the Assyrians into Assyria and into the cities of the Medes. They carried with them, according to Amos, the star (Chiun, or Kaivan occurs only in Amos 5:26. The LXX. translated the word by Rhephan, which became corrupted into Remphan, as used by Stephen (Acts 7:43 but RSV, "Rephan"). Probably the planet Saturn is intended by the name. [Taken from Eastons Bible Dictionary, but any good Bible research work will say the same.] ) of their god. (Saturn is not a star of course, but a planet) If any star in the sky were carried by the Sabbath observing Israelites it would have to have been Saturn, after whom Saturday was named.
The Midrash, Josephus, and the Palestinian Targums claim that the so called "Lost Ten Tribes" were carried away by Assyria an placed in a land that, as we learn from the story of Eldad the Danite, was completely surrounded by a river. The river was called the "Sabbation" (this is apparently the same river that Pliny refers to as the "Sambatyon," and is located in the same country that is called by Ptolemy "the land of the Sambatae") named for the holy Sabbath of the Israelites because it flowed for six days then rested. (A myth as it were, it wasn't the flow of the river, but the flow of river traffic that rested every seven days on these rivers so heavily populated by Sabbath worshippers.)

[Brit-Am Note: The Sambation was the name given to a river besides which a portion of the Lost Ten Tribes in their places of exile were said to dwell. Our researches (see "The Tribes" and "Ephraim") identify the Sambation as first being applied to the Lower Zab River in what is now Iran and later applying to the Don River in southern Russia north of the Caucasus.]
Now then, Herodotus, knowing nothing of the Israelites, does make mention of this (apparently the same) river, and has told us that since then the sources of the river have been searched out, and it has been found in reality (regardless of what the people who live there once thought) to be two separate rivers, having two distinct origins. However both rivers still retain each the same name, "Zabatus," or better known today in it's clipped version as the upper and lower (or greater and lesser) "Zab" rivers. (Herodotus book 5.52.4 "from Armenia, when one enters the land of Matiene, ... flow four navigable rivers, which cannot be crossed but by ferries, first the Tigris, then a second and third called both by the same name, (Zabatus,) though they are not the same river nor do they flow from the same region for the first-mentioned of them flows from the Armenian land and the other from that of the Matienians, and the fourth of the rivers is called Gyndes, the same which once Cyrus divided into three hundred and sixty channels.") Notice that Herodotus felt the need to debunk a "myth" that was still current in his day, c. 450 BC., that these two rivers were thought to be one and the same, completely surrounding the land.
Immanuel Velikovsky, who does not identify the People of Israel with the Umman Manda, (as you do, by equating Manda with Manasseh, but as I hope you will see, there is a more compelling meaning for the term) never-the-less does inform us as to the meaning of the word "Manda" The qoute from Velikovsky (with footnotes included) runs thusly;
"Thus the Scythians were called Umman-Manda by the Chaldeans (Cyril I. Gadd, The Fall of Nineveh (London, 1926); cf. D. J. Wiseman, The Chronicles of the Chaldean Kings in the British Museum (London, 1956).) '"People of Manda"and Manda is the name of Saturn.' (P. Jensen, Die Kosmologie der Babylonier, p. 114. Cf. The Brihajgatakam of Vahara Mihira, transl. by Swami Vijnanananda (Allahabad, 1912), p. 38, n.2: "Saturn is Manda.") The Phoenicians regarded El-Saturn as their chief deity; Eusebius informs us that El, a name used also in the Bible as a name for God, was the name of Saturn. (Praeparatio Evangelica IV.xvi: "Kronos [El] was deified in the star Saturn." This statement is quoted by Eusebius from Philo's redaction of the lost Phoenician History of Sanchuniathon. Some classical writers, among them Tacitus (Histories V.4) alleged that the Jews were worshippers of Saturn; cf. Augustine's refutation in Contra Faustum Manichaeum XX. 13.) In Persia Saturn was known as Kevan or Kaivan. (Dabistan 31; Bundahis, E. West. P. Jensen, Die Kosmologie der Babylonier, p. 114.)"
It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the phrase "Umman Manda" (People of Saturn) means "People of Israel." Consequently, more to the point of this article, the term "Saturn" is a very probable equivalent to the term "Israel."
-John R. Salverda

Brit-Am Note:
We identified the Umman-Manda as the People [Umman] of Manasseh since the Iranian Peoples often switched a Semitic "s" sound for "d", the Manda equals Mansa or Manasseh. We have shown elsewhere that the term Umman Manda in Mesopotamian terminology first applied to Israelites from the Tribe of Manasseh who dwelt to the West of the Euphrates. Later the term was applied tot he Cimmerians and Scythians amongst whom we find members of the Lost Ten Tribes. John R. Salverda points out that Manda actually meant Saturn. This however may not necessarily contradict the name also meaning Manasseh. It may even explain why the Israelites were equated with Manda-Saturn.  The first Israelites the Mesopotamians and Iranians came across were probably from the Tribe of Manasseh. Suppose the name Manasseh as they pronounced it sounded the same as the name for Saturn and every nation having to be identified with some star or other. It follows logically that Manasseh (and by extension all other Israelites) would be identified with Saturn!

For more articles on the Hebraic Connections of Greek Mythology, see:
"Helleno-Yishurin. The Hebrew Origin of Greek Legends"

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