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Brit-Am Megalithic Bulletin Update (BAMBU)


Tracing The Israelite Paths of Migration
according to the Directions of the Prophet Jeremiah 31:21

Dolmens and Megaliths
Brit-Am Megalithic Bulletin Update
1. Brittany's ancient stones said to be erected by giants, haunted by fairies
2. New Finds on Silbury Hill [S-W England]
3. Nice, Short, Simple Pictorial Overview of Megaliths in Britain

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1. Brittany's ancient stones said to be erected by giants, haunted by fairies

CARNAC, France - The rows of ancient standing stones stretch more than 900 metres amid the rolling countryside of southern Brittany.

Jutting out of the ground in a variety of bizarre shapes - some look like whale heads covered with moss and lichen, others like abstract sculptures carved by the wind and rain over the millennia - the nearly 1,100 stones form an extraordinary panorama.

Visitors are left to wander up and down the rows of the Menec Alignments just north of the village of Carnac and ponder big questions: who put these stones here, how did they manage to do it (the stones stand up to 3 1/2 metres tall and weigh several tonnes) and, most puzzling of all, why did they go to all the trouble?

Brittany, in the northwest corner of France, has some of Europe's most important prehistoric monuments, ranging from the alignments of Carnac to massive single stones and tombs decorated with elaborate carvings.

While certain types of monuments can also be found in Portugal, Ireland, Scotland and elsewhere, "in Brittany you have a concentration of all the kinds of architecture," says Serge Cassen, an expert on prehistoric megaliths who directs a research lab at nearby Nantes University.

As for standing stones - known as "menhirs" - there is nothing elsewhere on the scale of Carnac, which altogether comprises close to 3,000 stones in several different sets of alignments, says Cassen.

About 15 kilometres east of Carnac, the archeological site of Locmariaquer features a 20-metre-long, 300-tonne menhir - the largest prehistoric monument of its kind in western Europe. Toppled over long ago and now lying broken in four pieces, it is an awesome sight, suggestive of some enormous shapeless beast lying dead on the ground.

Next to it is a neolithic tomb with a small entryway, requiring visitors to bend down, that leads to a 2 1/2-metre-high chamber. Carvings of an axe and an ox-like creature are clearly visible on the ceiling.

Information on all the megalithic sites in Carnac and the surrounding Morbihan area is at

2. New Finds on Silbury Hill [S-W England]
Giant Mound Is Like an Underground Stonehenge
Radar and sonar reveal sarsen stones buried under Silbury Hill.

Silbury Hill: Burial ground for Neolithic 'souls'

Internal Image of Silbury -Pyramidical

Silbury Silbury

3. Nice, Short, Simple Pictorial Overview of Megaliths in Britain


Megalithic Monuments may serve as proof of the Migratory paths of the Israelite Exiles.
For a Map and List of Israelite Migratory Routes see:
For more maps of the Megalithic Trail of Migration see:
There is much archaeological evidence some of which we have quoted in the past.

Dolmens and the Bible
Pictures: Dolmens from Around the World
Answer to Queries on Archaeology Question no.3:
"What do Dolmens and other megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge tell us?
Dolmens by Yair Davidiy
Dolmens in Biblical Codes
Immanuel Velikovsky and the Change in Our Calendar

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