"Brit-Am Now"-633
1. Jay: Cadiz in Spain, Gad and Dan?
2. Another possible "Mistake"?
3. "Israel's Tribes Today" by Steven Collins

1. Jay: Cadiz in Spain, Gad and Dan?
Jay wrote:
Hello Mr. Davidiy:

These are only some thoughts I have had over the years.  Forgive my

You mentioned the town of Cadiz in Spain as being the same as
Gadir/Gades.  I stumbled upon this a few years ago when someone sold me
"Webster's Geographical Dictionary", published in 1949.  This was
shortly after I had read about Cadmus in Greek mythology.  Cadmus was a
Phoencian, according to most sources,  who had roots in Egypt.  He is
connected with another character named Danaus who also had roots in
Egypt.  Both left Egypt and settled in Greece.  The legend of Danaus is
that he had 50 daughters and of Cadmus, he invented the Greek alphabet.
I can't say anything absolute but the names, as you can see, are similar
to Dan and Gad, the half brothers who may have been falsely accused by
Joseph for slaughtering a ewe lamb that Jacob had designated for
breeding.  As I have seen in these Britam publications, the Hebrew is
often ambiguous and very difficult to translate into other languages.

I have read somewhere in my Artscroll commentary about the many times
that the name of Gad has been incorporated into Phoencian names.  The
name of Gad, as spelled in English, is even incorporated into the name
of the infamous dictator of modern Libya.  I shall not ramble on any
more for now.


Jay Shalom,
A very interesting insight. These are the sought of ideas that lead to research breakthroughs.
Sometimes even obvious associations seem to be overlooked by everybody
until the right person comes along. At other times even points that have been made repeatedly
in the past need to be pointed out again with a little bit of extra emphasis and clarification
for their full importance to be taken into account.

2. Another possible "Mistake"
"Brit-Am Now"-632
#4. Arthur & Rosalind Eedle: "THE TIN ISLANDS"
we published extracts from an interesting and informative article.
Amongst some very valuable pieces of information was included
the following passage:
<<William Camden (1551 - 1623), wrote a book called "Britannia" which was published in Latin in 1586 and in English translation in 1610. It was a landmark in the topographical study of Britain. In this work he said,-
"The merchants of Asher worked the tin mines of Cornwall, not as slaves, but as masters and exporters.">>

Our friend Steven Collins  pointed out that in his research he attempted to find the original source for this quotation and could not do so:

Shalom Yair,
I had a chance to actually read an original 1610 English translation of Camden's work in 1999...
I and a friend scoured Camden's book for the "Asher" quote and we could not find it anywhere. Therefore, I reluctantly dropped that quote from my more recent book series. Perhaps it was in the original Latin version of his book, but that is unknown to me. I thought I'd point this out to you as some caution about this quote is advisable.

It happens now and again that British-Israel Literature and its offshoots get their facts
wrong. Very often this literature does contain valuable information and insights but
"mistakes" and "misquotes" do seem to sneak in.  In some cases there may be several version of
one source and/or different ways to translate a passage from the original, so we have to
be careful and not jump to conclusions.

Nevertheless, for the time being at least, the quote from
Camden should be considered as non-existent.

This is the second mistake Brit-Am has made in a row that we know of.
I hope it does not get to be a habit.
At least having the mistakes made known is an alleviating factor.

3. "Israel's Tribes Today" by Steven Collins
Steven Collins has a new , interesting and very important recent work we hope to review shortly.
All of Steven's works are worth considering.
We especially recommend his latest publication
"Israel's Tribes Today"
