"Brit-Am Now"-572

"Brit-Am Now"-572
1. Letter From Student of Gaelic
2. Keep Away From False Prophets
3. Interesting Carving of Tudor Rose (Predecessor of the Rose of Brit-Am)
4. Brit-Am Followers and the New Middle East
5. Tim Lick (rcn): Biblical Proofs Irrefutable
6. Ian McRae: What We Can Do To Help Brit-Am
7. New Files on Web Site

1. Letter From Student of Gaelic
Dear Mr Davidy,

My name is "T". I have obtained a degree in Gaelic Language and Culture...

As a student of (Scottish) Gaelic Language and Culture and as someone with a working knowledge of Irish Gaelic and a reasonable knowledge of Latin and French and some sketchy knowledge of Romanian, I feel I have a reasonably broad knowledge of European languages, though I would not claim to be a philologist. However for some time I have felt in my own humble opinion that Celtic languages could not in any meaningful way be considered Indo-European. It is readily apparent that Celtic languages have virtually no similarity to any other branch of so called Indo European languages. The similarities that are present are mainly of Latin origin, present in Ireland and Scotland via Christian monks and in other Celtic nations through Roman occupation. The only compelling examples I have seen to link Celtic to another branch of languages is from word charts comparing Celtic words with Hebrew and Arabic. For several years now as a result, I have been convinced that Celtic languages are Semitic rather than Indo-European. Therefore it was of great interest to discover that there was a Jewish author who was writing about the possibility of Celts being descended from the Lost tribes...

2. Keep Away From False Prophets
From: Mike

I have just read some information on a young boy known as "E" who is making prophecies regarding Israel. I am sure you have heard of it.
What are your thoughts on these prophecies.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Michael in Missouri, USA

Answer This is the first I have heard of it.
My advice would be to keep away from such things.
False Prophets are dealt with very seriously in the Torah.
It is irresponsible to use children in this manner.


It is natural for spiritually sensitive people to seek for supernatural guidance especially in these troubled times but we should be careful not to sin ourselves in doing so.

3. Interesting Carving of Tudor Rose (Predecessor of the Rose of Brit-Am)
From: "(Archbishop) Alan J Munday"
Subject: Carvings on the Palace of Westminster

Hello Yair,
Just in case it is of use to you for illustrative purposes http://snipurl.com/g9e3 shows a detail of a carving on the Victoria Tower of the British Houses of Parliament

There are also carvings of the heraldic lion and the unicorn to be seen at

The pictures are available royalty free under GNU arrangements.

Shalom! ................Alan

4. Brit-Am Followers and the New Middle East

From: Cam Rea
Subject: The New Middle East
I have question about your commit on Christians. I'm a Christian who observes the Sabbaths Holydays dietary laws and believes in the lost ten tribes are not lost but are our the modern day nations of the west and believe as well as Judah our brothers. So do you feel or catagorise that the Sabbatarians who do these things are as you said "Christians do not really believe in anything beyond themselves." Would you label us Sabbatarians in that group as well? Just courius thats all. I'm not here to strife but to ask one mans humble opion from another.
Thank you
Cam Rea


The article "The New Middle East"
now revised at
was referring to nominal Christians of non-Israelite descent as they are today,
i.e. technically they are classified as Christians but many know nothing about their own religion and those that do do not usually care about it.

We would NOT label most Sabbatarians in that group.
The article lacks a sub-paragraph to Paragraph 4.
I would place Sabbatarians in paragraph 4 (b) below as we have now changed it. Thank you for raising the question bringing our attention to this point.
I write alone and write a lot, sometimes under pressure of time etc and do not necessarily always present the Brit-Am position with justice.
People like yourself help keep us on track.
God bless you
Yair Davidiy

We would change the paragraph thusly:
((4. (a) Israelite Descended Peoples in the West: There are peoples of Israelite or partial Israelite descent in the West but most of them are not aware of it. Even if they were to become aware of their ancestry how much of a change it would make is uncertain but some change could certainly be expected. These "Israelite" nations regard themselves as "Heathen Gentiles" and usually think and react as such but in extreme circumstances elements within them could revert more to an Israelite mode of behavior.
(b) Israelite Who Are Aware or Who Are Activated Without Conscious Awareness:
These are those who follow Brit-Am or who have Brit-Am type beliefs or who instinctively identify as Israelites in the religious and/or national sense for other reasons.
This group has the potential to deliver all of Israel and the world.
It is this group that Brit-Am as an organization imparts its message unto and wishes to connect with even though there will remain important points that we will not necessarily be able to agree upon.

5. Tim Lick (rcn): Biblical Proofs Irrefutable
Subject: Discussing the Lost Tribes with others

Greetings Yair:
I enjoy your site and have already contributed to your work. I also received your magazines and love them and I adamantly believe in what you say about the lost tribes.
I find it interesting that when I talk to some people about the lost tribes of Israel, especially those with a supposed academic slant or those who claim to believe the bible, they really think the whole doctrine is off-the-wall. Mind you, I have talked with many people like this, not just a few. I mentioned this before in an email to you. Basically, they say the whole idea is "outdated" and "silly" but yet no matter what comeback I have, the questions I pose to them are avoided and they circle around to saying it's silly and that the evidence is weak. However, I have YET to hear one of them then explain the promises and marks of Israel you have at your site here: http://britam.org/Identity-Proof-of-the-lost-tribes.html . That's the honest truth.
They seem to sweep these biblical promises under the rug (while claiming to believe the bible) and totally ignoring what these promises and marks really mean. They're sounding like a broken record. They say this is biased or even racist, and yet communicating this to them is like trying to fly a paper airplane through a brick wall (so much for their open-mindedness). I don't think they really know at all.

6. Ian McRae: What We Can Do To Help Brit-Am
Subject: Britam "Quiet Spell"

Sorry to hear that Britam is going through a "quiet spell".
There are things which we can all do to help the situation.
First, of course, is funding. And we should all be taking the Britam magazine. I am guilty of not taking it in the past, but I have now renewed my subscription.
We can also, without cost, visit the web site. There is a mine of information there which is not available elsewhere.
Those of us who do not yet have any of the books, these are works of scholarship, while being easily accessible by anyone of normal intelligence. They are the source of our knowledge and should be read and studied.
Another way to help is to actively spread the news that Britam is here. The easiest way to do this is to let everyone on your e-mail address list know.
Think about it.
If each of us sends out a pile of e-mails and each of us only interests two people, then we will triple the Britam numbers overnight. If they do the same...........well, you get the picture !
Some people can feel threatened by overtly religious approaches, so it may be best to keep the message personal and low key, while being truthful. A separate e-mail for each person is also more personal than a mass mailing of the same thing to everybody. A simple way of doing that is to prepare a WORD document which can be cut and pasted onto each individual e-mail, and altered as needed to make the message personal to the person it's being sent to. This approach has the advantage of not only letting people know that Britam exists, but might also resurrect some old friendships. Here is what I use:
I will start with some personal details and news, then, as a Scot, I use the Declaration of Arbroath as a good introduction to the subject. General historical or genealogical research is also a good intro. After the newsy bit I say, "I was checking out some details of Scottish history, and there is a strange reference in the Declaration of Arbroath which puzzled me. While trying to find out more I found some detail on this web site: www.britam.org Fascinating stuff, and would explain the reference to Israel in the Declaration. Have a look. What do you think ?" Those from Scotland, or of Scottish descent, may find that useful. A bit of ingenuity will give an adaptation for others.
OK ! Some people will think me a bit of a "kook", but I am now of an age when I really don't bother too much about that. Along with Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, I'll be in good company ! :o)
Good to see the badges are on the way. I'll be at the head of the queue to buy some.
Ian McRae

7. New Files on Web Site
This is a revision of the former "A New Middle East" article

Aed and Israel
The Lost Tribes in Celtic and Arabic Lore
This is a revision (with some new material) of the former article
"The Arabian Connection"

Spreading the Brit-Am message is our task.
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only $30.

"Origin. You too are from Israel! You too are the People"
[A Summary of Most of the Major Biblical and Historical Research
Until Now]
"Biblical Truth. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West "
"Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel"
"Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America",
PLUS a sample issue of our
  magazine BRIT-AM Truth
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Yair Davidiy
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004

"And I will bless them that bless you" (Genesis 12:15).
