The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of Israel United

Brit-Am Now no. 1110
1. Didrik Simundsson: Benjamin in Iceland?
2. Thor Heyerdahl
and the Lost Ten Tribes
(a) Norwegian explorer, anthropologist and author.
(b) The Azerbaijan Connection
Challenging Euro-Centric Theories of Migration
by Dr. Thor
(c) Brit-Am Note: Azerbaijan and the Lost Ten Tribes
3. Brit-Am Ephraimite Appeal to US Government and other Western Powers
4. US Government Appeasing Our Enemies?
5. Derryl Bishop: The Almighty is like a Master Chess Player
6. Michelle Bowie: In Support of both Margie and Angus
7. An Example of Brit-Am List Co-operation: What Brit-Am Says


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1. Didrik Simundsson: Benjamin in Iceland?
From: Didrik Siundsson <>
Subject: The Benjamin question?
I have now for a while been very interested in the roots of the Icelanders.
I started by the roots of my name Ingileif, that my papa said to me as a little girl that had a meaning of a princess.
But how I asked? Yes he said, leif is the leftovers and Ing (I and Y sounds compleatly the same in icelandic) is from Yngvi the Turkish king, but when he was alive, my papa did not know but started to talk about the Ynglingatal in Snorris Gylfaginning.
Now I am teacher in my sixthies and was teaching Icelandic when the interest awake.
I hve now been comparing the old iclendic litterature wih Jordanes and Skytiens history and the history of Armenia and Dacia the prodigiee lins both of and other web instances and now at last through the Skytians I came to you.
And then it burst out!
The first settler of Iceland; Ing?fur Arnarson; Ing- from Yngvi the Turkish and ?fur= ?fur= wolf in English
and the - ?fur name are very many in Icelandic i.e, Brynj?fur or Brynj?fur (the wolf with an armour), Bj?g?fur (the wolf that saves), Herj?fur (the soldier wolf), Stein?fur( the stone wolf), ??fur ( The Asa wolf)
Hroelfur = Hroelfur (The wolf with honor)  (Rollo of Normandie was Hr?fur at home before he went down there).
But the when I saw that one son of Benjamin was Ehi in Icelandic and around; Eyi. When I saw it then then I thought here might be a clue.
In Iceland we have lot of names that starts with Ey but in Sweden where I lived for forteen year there it is nearly none.
In Iceland you are told that this Ey comes from the vikings that were lying in the islands wating for attack. Ey means island in Icelandic.
But the I found Eylimi as a chieftain in Norway before 600 AD before the actual viking period starts.
If Ey- means Ehi people the the meaning of ths name comes very clear Ehi-branch (-limi is a branch of a tree).
And then all this names get a new meaning:
Eyj?fur, Eysteinn, Ey?r, Eylin etc. etc.
With my best regards

2. Thor Heyerdahl and the Lost Ten Tribes

(a) Norwegian explorer, anthropologist and author.
From: Brian Patmore <>
Subject: Fw: Brit-Am Now no. 1108 - Follow up regarding Thor Heyerdahl
Hi Yair,

I thought the following short-cut would interest you.
The man is a very interesting person with a most accomplished list of achievements.
Shalom again,

Brit-Am Comment:
The Biography does not seem to mention what may have been his most important

(b) The Azerbaijan Connection
Challenging Euro-Centric Theories of Migration
by Dr. Thor Heyerdahl

Identical Petroglyphs in Norway and Azerbaijan
It may not be pure coincidence that the ship petroglyphs that the early Azeri depicted while navigating on the Caspian Sea and up the Russian rivers are identical to those of the ancestors of the Vikings along the fjords of Norway millennia later. In Scandinavia, there are two different types of boat petroglyphs, both well represented in Norway. One is similar to those at Gobustan and is drawn as a simple sickle-shaped line which forms the base of the ship with vertical lines on deck to illustrate crew or raised oars.

Famous "Foldable Boats"
The other ship type probably represents a "skin boat" with a rather short and bulky hull and an interior framework of wood, appearing on the petroglyphs as if viewed from outside. Such a boat is mentioned in early Norwegian sagas written down by the Icelander, Snorre Sturlason, before his death in 1241, (Snorri, The Sagas of the Viking Kings of Norway. English translation: J. M. Stenersens Forlag, Oslo 1987). According to the saga, the Viking kings descended from Odin, an immigrant hierarch who came in a vessel called Skithblathnir (Skidbladner) which could be folded together like a cloth. Odin came from the land of the "Aser", and is, therefore, frequently referred to as "Asa-Odin". The legendary land of the people known as Aser is given a very exact location in Snorre's saga as east of the Caucasus mountains and the Black Sea.

From there, according to the same saga, Odin, owner of the foldable boat migrated with all his people northwestwardly through Russia, Saxland, and Denmark into Sweden where he died and lay buried in a huge funerary mound at Sigtuna. Asa-Odin's saga with his boat and his itinerary has been considered by Nordic historians as a myth concocted in medieval times, although they consider the Nordic people as Caucasians. But, perhaps, Odin's boat may indicate that the land of the Aser really lay by the Caspian Sea east of the Caucasus. In fact, in the 5th century B.C., the Greek historian, Herodotus, described such marvelous foldable boats used precisely in the area referred to in Asa-Odin's saga as the home of th Aser, namely the land of the present day Azeri and Armenians.

In this area, Herodotus wrote, traveling merchants used boats built with a framework of wood and canes covered with skin, and of such great size that they carried one or more donkeys in addition to crew and cargo. They navigated down river to Babylonia where they sold their merchandise and the framework (wood), then they folded the skins and loaded them on the donkeys for their return upstream in preparation for the next voyage.

Oral Tradition or Fairy Tale?
I'm personally convinced that Snorre recorded oral history rather than a concocted myth, and I think it's time to look for the land that my Scandinavian ancestors came from and not merely where they subsequently went on their Viking raids and explorations. They certainly did not come out from under the glaciers when the ice-age ended so they must have immigrated from the south. Since their physical type is referred to as Caucasian and their very own descendant preserved an itinerary from south of the Caucasus and north of Turkey, I suspect that the present Azeri people and the Aser of the Norse sagas have common roots and that my ancestry originated there.

The unwritten history of both the Scandinavians and the Azeri doubtlessly began with ships and navigation. Both had access to waterways which permitted them to explore and travel far and wide. The Azeri could easily have sailed across their inland sea to the great centers of civilization in antiquity and up the river Volga which was navigable past present-day Moscow to its sources which are suspiciously close to the sources of the river Dvina which empties into the Baltic Sea at Riga, where the first Christian Norwegian Viking king, Olav Trygvason, was born.

(c) Brit-Am Note: Azerbaijan and the Lost Ten Tribes
Thor Heyerdahl suggests that the Ancient Scandinavians came from Azerbaijan about 3000 BCE.
We would place it at well after 600 BCE.
Azerbaijan was one of the areas to which the Lost Ten Tribes were exiled as explained in our works,especially "The Tribes"

3. Brit-Am Ephraimite Appeal to US Government and other Western Powers
We feel that Ephraimites in the West and especially in the USA should make an appeal along the following lines:
To the US President, Government officials and Representatives, etc. and to Heads of State and Public Leaders in the West:
Our forefathers founded this nation and determined its character and guiding principles.
Despite the fact that we have opened our doors to other peoples and accorded them equal rights of citizenship as ourselves we still should merit to be heard on fundamental matters concerning the destiny of our nation.
Even today many, if not most, of the leading figures of our nation in all fields of public and private enterprise come from our ranks.
The same applies to other Western Nations such as the UK, Eire, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland,Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
All other European Nations as well as several outside of Europe have also been blessed by our presence.
Based on Biblical Prophecy supplemented by secular studies we believe we are descended from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.
The Jews of Judah in the Diaspora and in the State of Israel are our fellow Israelites.
The State of Israel is the beginning of REDEMPTION for all of us.
The security and well-being of The State of Israel is vital for all of us.
The areas of Judea  and Samaria (the West Bank), as well as the Sinai, and Gaza should be firmly under the control of the State of Israel  and Jewish settlement strongly encouraged in these regions.
Steps should be taken to find an alternative place of abode for all the Palestinian Arab population.
So too, our governments should take steps to establish enclaves under Western Control in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Cyprus.

We, the "Ephraimite" populations, should be encouraged to settle in these enclaves, develop them, and link them to the State of Israel.
One of the aims of these enclaves will be to heal the land and place it on a sounder ecological base by preventing soil erosion and taking steps to increase and improve the regional water supply through re-
afforestation and related measures.
Our impression is that if such steps were taken a blessing would come on all our peoples and all the world.
The blessing would be felt not only in the spiritual sense but also economically and physically.

Brit-Am would like with the help of its subscribers to expand on the above developing it into a full-sized article that would be advertised prominently on the Brit-Am web-site and wherever else possible.

The main themes as we see it should be:
Public Recognition of Israelite Ancestry
Support for the Jewish State of Israel including an Expansion of Settlement
Transport of the Palestinians Elsewhere
[for notes and articles on the subject of transferring the Palestinians see:
Movement of Arab Populations (MAP) ]
The Establishment of
Ephraimite Enclaves connected to the State of Israel in neighboring regions..

4. US Government Appeasing Our Enemies?
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1109
#2. 100 pieces of silver? (That's all?)

Dear Yair:

Regarding the US sending the "Palestinian" Arabs another $300 million - I am a single, disabled American woman living on Social Security disability insurance. I applied for vocational rehabilitation to learn a new skill that would allow me to return to the workplace and earn a wage that would support me. I was turned down, told I would probably die and the money would have been wasted!!  Boy, could I ever use some of that $300 million!!! There are a LOT of Americans who could benefit from that money. Our government would rather appease our enemies than help it's own citizens. That is insanity.

Please withhold my name.

5. Derryl Bishop: The Almighty is like a Master Chess Player
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1109
#2. 100 pieces of silver? (That's all?)

Dear Yair,
I for one, and I know that there are many others, am very excited about the MIA's proposition about purchasing land ready for Ephraim's return. In Welsh the word "hiraeth" means both "homesickness" and "longing". Many of us have a severe "hiraeth" to be back in the land of our ancestors. This isn't a romantic notion of simply being in the land of the Bible, we're aware of the perils facing our family already there. We have a "hiraeth" to be living productive lives, to be paying our taxes, to be living our lives on a day to day basis in the land. Put simply we are desirous of taking our place, in the soon to be United House. I don't think that we should be splitting hairs about the timing of Ephraims return. After all, the Almighty called some from the house of Judah to return prior to 1948. Those people were fore-runners. Undoubtedly, like-wise, I believe the Almighty would have his fore-runners from the Northern Kingdom in the land, before Ephraim returns en masse. The Almighty will one day whistle to Ephraim and Ephraim will return. Have some of us already heard the Heveanly whistle already?
I am excited about the pending First Congress of the Israelite Congress in Exile. I hope the Almighty grants me the opportunity of being there! A friend once told me that the Almighty is like a Master Chess Player, he knows what pieces to play and when. I believe the leadership of MIA have harkened to the voice of the Almighty. Many of us who know our identity as Israelites are between a rock and a hard place. Many of us pray more for the Knesset than we do our own governments! A Congress in Exile would help to define us and consolidate us. I applaud Angus and Batya Wooten along with the rest of the MIA's Shepherd's Council. And at this time of Purim...who knows that they have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Hope you have a joyous Purim Yair, I'm delighted to hear that your so is following in your footsteps with his insights. May our message spread!
Derryl Bishop

6. Michelle Bowie: In Support of both Margie and Angus
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1109
#1. Margie: All Jews are Israel, but not all Israel are Jews
#2. 100 pieces of silver? (That's all?)
In response to Margie:
It's so refreshing to hear that others are noting the difference between "Jews" and Israelites" as terminology referring to Yah's chosen people. It is not only showing one's ignorance of the facts when they do that, but it is misleading to those who are not as well studied in scripture and have been misled by the majority of scholars out there. Even Radio and TV ministries err all the time in referring to all of Israel as "Jews". Thanks Margie!!
In response to Angus Woottens's offer to Israel to purchase those lands: I think it was more of a way to bring attention to the prophecy of the two house restoration. To get people to ask, what is that all about and then cause one to think and possibly explore what it means for themselves. One way to open up discussions!!! Bravo!!!!
Blessings, michelle b.

7. An Example of Brit-Am List Co-operation: What Brit-Am Says
The following extract (now quoted in our work, "Role to Rule. The Task of Joseph" ) was written by Thomas Grey
after we had sent out a similar message and some discussion had ensued on our list.
So too, Brit-Am would like input from as many readers as possible in order to formulate
and improves version of no.3 above:
Brit-Am Ephraimite Appeal to US Government and other Western Powers
What Brit-Am Says
We say, that the U.S.A. and Britain, and some other areas of Western Europe, contain a predominance of Israelite descendents that have marked the culture of those countries.  This does not just refer to the Jewish minority in those countries, but to others that have lost the consciousness of their Israelite ancestry. Thus, we believe that this number may be much higher than many people have thought.  We say that this Israelite influence is so strong in these countries, that the anti-Israelite sentiment against Israel and the Jewish people is also being directed against these countries.  If this is true, and we have proven that it is, then it is urgently important for us to understand this, because the Bible links all Israelites into a mutual destiny.  This destiny includes a role in taming the wild-beast instinct of the heathen nations.  It is not for nothing that those heathen nations feel resentment against the Israelite people.  If we don't understand what is going on here, we will be caught off guard, divided and weakened in the face of these attacks, instead of standing together as we should  (Thomas Grey).
