The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of Israel United

Brit-Am Now no. 1108
1. Brit-Am is "A New Discovery"
2. Question on Realizing Identity through Revelation
3. " The Land of Israel" by
Yehonatan Davidiy



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1. Brit-Am is "A New Discovery"
The belief of Brit-Am concerning the present-day whereabouts of the Lost Ten Tribes in some form or other may always have been around somewhere. It is not new.
Brit-Am has taken previous beliefs and explanations, examined them, accepted some and rejected others, while adding tot hem refining them, and updating them in the light of Biblical, Rabbinical, and secular sources.
We feel that what we have put together should be regarded as a New Discovery of great potential importance.
A New Discovery is publicized, discussed, examined, debated, and the subject of additional research and testing.
It passes through a process at the end of which if it is valid it is accepted.

2. Question on Realizing Identity through Revelation
Subject: Acknowledging Identity
Dear Yair Davidy,
As a person who had a personal revelation regarding the Isrealite heritage of my family, let me say that I believe we are not all ready for it and it only comes when one is ready to accept it as a daily truth about oneself.
[The Almighty] reveals it to us in his own way at his own good time.  We haven't been released from "captivity" yet so we are not doing much.  But I know this for certain, we are NOT Judaic.  That is a whole other thing.  I believe there is a real difference between "Israelite" and "Jewish."
When the knowledge first came upon me I think I wanted to DO something about it...but I still don't know what that something would be.  Those of us who have it should have a forum for our discussion.  What do you think of that?

Brit-Am Answer: A forum for such as yourself may be of interest but Brit-Am is not to be involved.
On the other hand Brit-Am does not discount such "revelations".
We feel that they who have had such experiences should nevertheless seek to confirm them through Brit-Am and be active in Brit-Am.

3. "The Land of Israel" by Yehonatan Davidiy
New Article:
Yehonatan Davidiy is the son of Yair Davidiy. Yehonatan served in a special frontline unit in the IDF. He is married with children and lives in the south of Israel. He now works as a youth counsellor and is in the course of completing his Rabbinical Examinations.
The article  is translated from the Hebrew. It was written for Jews from a Jewish Biblical-Rabbinical perspective. Nevertheless the article offers us an insight into major Biblical Themes and contains a message that is also pertinent to the Lost Tribes of Israel.
The article stresses the need for Israelites who dwell in the Land to keep the Commandments and also mentions different Tribal Inheritances.

Within the Land itself there are different levels of holiness and varying regions that influence their inhabitants in different ways. For this reason the Almighty made each of the Tribal Inheritances to be specifically compatible to the Tribal Characteristics of the Tribe that would possess it.

<<"ACCORDING TO HIS NEEDS": From this we learn that the Land of Israel was only divided to each and every Tribe according to the nature of the Tribe, by the voice of the Almighty. The Land of Israel was only divided through Divine Inspiration as directed by the Almighty (Sifrei,Bamidbar, p. 132).

God HIMSELF decided therefore where in the Land of Israel each Tribe should dwell to enable it to develop its unique potential to the maximum possible, for its own good and for the good of the People of Israel and the Entire World.
