Brit-Am Secular Proofs
National Characteristics

This list is intended to be a companion piece to the
List of 110 Brit-Am Biblical Proofs

[As for the Biblical Evidence so too for this List of Secular Proofs the potency of the evidence quoted must be viewed as part of a whole interlocking body proving our point.]

Under the heading
"National Characteristics" we have included
National Affinity with Judah or lack of it.
Existence of Israelite Consciousness

For more see below:
National Characteristics

Brit-Am Evidence of Israelite Ancestry from Scripture and Researches


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National Characteristics
Proofs in Simplified Outline

Peoples of Israelite Descent will have national characteristics reflecting this descent.

National Characteristics
Proofs in Expanded Format

The National Characteristics we expect from peoples of Israelite Descent are described in our article:
Ephraimite Criteria
How do You Know Whether You Descend from Israel?
In that article we list Ten Main Criteria that should be evident in the National Characteristics of the Peoples in question. Of these criteria we consider especially important from a "Secular Proof" point of view the attributes:
[no.4] Judah: Affinity with the Jews i.e. National Affinity with Judah.
[no.8]Israelite Self-Identification i.e. Existence of Israelite Consciousness
An example of Israelite Self-Identification would be the large number of Hebrew place-names in the USA. A list of these names and an analysis from the point of view as to which Israelite Tribes they are associated with is to be found (State by State) at:
Biblical Place Names in America

See also:
Biblical Proofs
Main Page