New Jerusalem News.

17 March, 2011, 11 Adar-Sheni 5771
1. Itamar killings.
2. Five Murdered  Members of One Family in  Itamar. Links to Pictures.
Itamar: The Township.
(a) Wikipedia Article.
Itamar _ Gem of the Hills and the Blessing to Joseph.
Life on
Itamar by Leah Goldsmith.



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1. Itamar killings

Relevance to Brit-Am:
Incident illustrates barbarity and cruelty of fanatical anti-Jewish and anti-American Arabs that is symptomatic of most third-world countries today especially Muslim ones.
They are our enemies and will not show us any mercy if we do not stop them.

The Itamar killings were an attack on a Jewish family in the Israeli settlement of Itamar in the West Bank, on 11 March 2011, in which five members of the same family were stabbed to death in their beds. The victims include the father, mother and three of their children, the youngest a three-month-old infant; two other children, who were also in the house, were not harmed.
[Apparently only because the terrorists did not see them.]
The settlement of Itamar has been the target of several murderous attacks before.

The victims are five members of the Fogel family who had recently moved to Itamar. The family previously lived in the Gush Katif settlement in the Gaza Strip, which was evacuated in 2005, then moved to the settlement Ariel, and finally to Itamar.
Rabbi Udi Fogel, 36, former IDF tank unit officer, teacher in the post-high school yeshiva in Itamar[11]
Ruth Fogel, 35, his wife and their three children:
Yoav Fogel, 11
Elad Fogel, 4
Hadas Fogel, 3 months
They are survived by three children, age 12, 6 and 2 who were being cared for by grandparents in the aftermath of the attack.[4]

In response to the Itamar attack, on March 13, the Israeli government approved the construction of 500 housing units in the West Bank settlements and settlement blocs of Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel and Modi'in Illit, areas expected to be annexed to Israel.[20] The decision was taken in a late night government meeting, in which both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak took part, after several alternatives such as starting a new settlement, or widening the settlement of Itamar were rejected. The decision has brought harsh criticism from both the Palestinians and the United States.[21]

2. Five Murdered  Members of One Family in  Itamar. Links to Pictures
Pictures not so pleasant.

3. Itamar: The Township

Relevance to Brit-Am:
Articles below show us a little about the township Itamar and the area around it. This was the homeland of the Tribes of Joseph.

(a) Wikipedia Article.
Itamar (Hebrew: ) is an Israeli settlement located in the West Bank's Samaritan mountains five kilometers southeast of Nablus. The Orthodox Jewish community with a population of 1,032 (2009) is within the municipal jurisdiction of the Shomron Regional Council.

Itamar, named for Ithamar, the youngest son of Biblical figure Aaron, was established in 1984 by several families from the Machon Meir Yeshiva in Jerusalem with the assistance of Gush Emunim's settlement organization Amana.[2] Tradition places the burial place of Ithamar in the vicinity.

Educational institutions include a Talmud Torah for boys, the Be'er Miriam Talmud Torah for girls, the Hitzim yeshiva high school, the Itamar Higher Yeshiva and a midrasha [Religious College for Women.].

(b) Itamar _ Gem of the Hills and the Blessing to Joseph.
Life on Itamar
by Leah Goldsmith


Yishuv [Settlement of] Itamar is located in the Gav Hahar region, or literally, "the Hump of the Mountain". It is hill country, tremendously big, picturesque and mysterious, varied with long and wide valleys who resemble a mosaic coat of many colors ranging from pea to deep jade greens and chestnut browns in the winter and spring months. In the summertime the colors are dry, like the colors of Rebbeca's jug, in which she served Eliezer and the camels in Babylon.

 There are springs and wells in the hills. The bounty stemming from the blessing given to Joesph?."The blessings of the father are potent above the blessings of my progenitors to the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills"(Vayechi 49). The tribunal portions of Ephraim and Menashe, the sons of Joseph run across these highlands. In every direction that one looks, the views are emanated with authentic biblical greatness and Jewish nobility. This is the chief feature of the landscape, of your life in it, and you are struck by the feeling of having lived here in the past.

Gav Hahar is crowned by two noble peaks that rise 3,000 feet above the surrounding country, the mountains of the Blessing and the Curse- Har Gerizzim and Har Eval.

In the winter, the winds blow incessantly here. They strike the sides of the mountains and hills and blow against the windowpanes of our homes. Sometimes the houses shudder from it. ...the fields are full of scarlet poppies and blue pansies. The deer run free in these parts and skip from hill to dale.

Interestingly enough, not many Jews have come to resettle this Land. It is still a hidden place to most. In all Gav Hahar there are no more than 500 families. They are spread upon these ancient mountains, Harey Kedem, sparsely. ...

It is only a matter of time that Joseph returns. "And you shall dwell in the Land that I gave to your fathers, and you shall be my people, and I will be your G-d".


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