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The Ten Tribes were all Exiled and are Amongst Western Peoples!
Polemics: David Parsons Refuted!

Remember the Jerusalem Post Christian Edition article?

Zionist Christians might be from Israel's "Ten Lost tribes"'id=189890
10/02/2010 03:54

This article speaks of the Lost Ten Tribes being lost and ultimately to return.
It mainly quotes New Testament sources that the author claims refer to the Ten Tribes whom he suggests are to be found amongst Christians in general.

Brit-Am Now no. 1592
#8. Jerusalem Post (Special Christian Edition) Article Refers to Lost Tribes in the West?
We posted extracts from the article as well as a few evaluations of our own:
Brit-Am Criticisms of the HENNESSY Article.

In our opinion the author over-emphasized New Testament references and also was not specific as to whom the Ten Tribes are.
Hennessy seemed to suggest that those Christians in the West who NOW support Israel are the Ten Tribes.
We agree with this though in addition there are many in the west today who are also descended from Israelites, are not usually aware of it, and in many cases may not necessarily yet support the State of Israel.
Nevertheless, even though we think that more specific identifications and proofs from the Hebrew Bible would have been preferable,
We do agree there may be something in what the article by Britain Henessy said.

Relative lack of anti-Semitism, sympathy for the Jews, and support of the State of Israel in the eyes of Brit-Am are valid indicators of possible Israelite origins. This accords with the viewpoint expressed by Briain Henessy.
The Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes applies additional criteria.
Ephraimite Criteria

The article by Brian Hennessy appears in the Jerusalem Post Christian Edition, October 2010.
The Jerusalem Post Christian Edition is published (as declared on the magazine cover) in partnership with the International Christia Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ).

In the Jerusalem Post Christian Edition, October 2010, immediately after the article by Brian Hennessy identifying the Ten Tribes with Christian Zionists there is a two-page rebuttal by David Parsons.
The essay by Parsons may be seen on the ICEJ web-site:

Ephraimite theory an "unsound doctrine"
By David Parsons'id=9875

The article by Parsons (in the magazine but apparently not on the web-site) begins with an illustration of Jerusalem and the caption:

# ANCIENT JERUSALEM  grew 10 times in size as Israelite refugees fled the Assyrian conquest of 722 BCE. #

This appears to be mistaken.
There was a population increase after the Northern Tribes were exiled as confirmed by archaeological findings. The last source I saw said the population doubled.
A ten-fold increase seems too large not to have been discussed more thoroughly in the literature. Even a doubling of the population is doubted. Perhaps we are wrong on this point?

The Midrash Seder Olam as discussed by Nachmanides suggests (based on an examination of the Census figures in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah) that as much as 20% of the returnees from Babylon were from the Northern Ten Tribes.
This means that the core population of the Jewish People after the Exile included one out of every five who were from the Ten Tribes. The Kingdom of Judah originally had been almost exclusively from the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. This is without counting the inhabitants of Jerusalem who had always included members of the other Tribes.

Israel in Exile
 Ten Tribes Lost  But will Return
Nachmanides  (Moshe ben Nachman. 1194-1270)
## They said in the Midrash Seder Olam:
Of those who came into the Land in the time of Ezra the whole community together numbered 42,360. The total whose names are recorded however only numbered 30,360. What happened therefore to the missing 12,000? These were those from the other Tribes who came up with Ezra.
You have already noticed that in the Second Redemption [i.e. the redemption of Ezra, the First Redemption was the coming out of Egypt] only those returned who had been exiled to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. ..These are Judah and Benjamin as well as the
Cohanim [priests] who dwelt in Jerusalem and who pertained to the Kingdom of Judah. ..
[The southern Kingdom of Judah then encompassed the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi]. The Kingdom of Israel included the Ten northern Tribes. These were exiled by
Sancherib [Sancherib in Rabbinical Literature is a figure taken to represent ALL of the Assyrian monarchs] as it says, ... 'Until the LORD removed Israel out of his sight' so was Israel exiled out of their own land to Assyria unto this day' (2-Kings 17;12). This is a proof that all the Kingdom of Israel was exiled to Assyria but the Kingdom of David remained as it was until Nebuchadnessar exiled them to Babylon. The Kingdom of David included Judah and Benjamin. It says, 'There was none left but the tribe of Judah only' (2-Kings 17;18). This indicates the Kingdom of the Tribe of Judah that included the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin. ..
It also appears from the simple meaning of the text, that before the exile of the northern country by
Senacherib there were gathered into the cities of Judah people from the neighboring tribes of Menasseh, Ephraim, and Simeon and these then dwelt in the heritage of Judah....They are referred to in a general sense as 'from Israel' (in 2-Chronicles 35;18) and not by their specific tribes since they represented only a small portion of their tribe. These are they who returned under Ezra with the Jews from Babylon. They were not expressly mentioned by their tribes since they were attached to Judah. They all settled in the cities of Judah. There was no Redemption for the Ten Tribes who remained in exile....
We have explained this section in accordance with the opinion of our Sages of Blessed Memory. They said that in the time of the Second Temple a few refugees from the other tribes also came up. They did not come from all of the other tribes but only from Ephraim and
Menasseh. [Another authority however, Tosefot in Arakin 32;a, says that, 'from each and every tribe a few returned']. These few were not enough to be termed a tribe in their own right or even part of a tribe. Due to their minority position they were included amongst the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin and dwelt in their cities. The Second Redemption [i.e. from Babylonian Exile under Ezra and Nehemiah] was not meant for the other tribes. Look at the genealogy of the Tribe of Reuben in the Book of Chronicles and you will find that Ezra gives their familial connections until he reaches Beera who was exiled by Tiglathpileser the King of Assyria (1-Chronicles 5).
He then stops.
All of those other tribes whose family trees Ezra mentions, he does not continue with after the Assyrian Exile. ##

Nachmanides therefore says that only a small minority of the Ten Tribes remained and they attached themselves to Judah.
Nachmanides, in continuation, emphasizes that most of the Ten Tribes did not return and future prophecies concerning the Ten Tribes such as the destruction of Edom (Obadiah 1:2) will take place in  the future.

We have been asked to reply to the article by David Parsons which is a bit difficult since he did not relate directly to Brit-Am or to Brit-Am type Proofs.

Nevertheless we are hereby replying.

We are quoting the article by David Parsons and then replying to it by sections:

Parsons says:
# As Christians in unprecedented numbers seek to stand with Israel today and recapture the Jewish roots of our faith, one potential pitfall of this movement is the '
Ephraimite doctrine.' Based largely on a flawed interpretation of the prophetic vision of the two sticks of Judah and Ephraim being joined back together in Ezekiel 37, this is a mystical belief that many Christian Zionists today are actually descended from the 'Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.' They 'sense' God is drawing them back to the Jewish fold through Christ and their heart-felt love for Israel.

Taken to its extreme, some
Ephraimite teachers maintain that, as blood descendants of the ancient Israelites, adherents must observe the Law, thereby departing from the core New Testament belief that salvation is by faith. Some also teach a limited atonement; that Jesus only came for the 'lost sheep of the House of Israel.'

The doctrine also has elitist strains, as many believe the Lost Ten Tribes are to be found today among white European Christians, since they are more 'blessed' and prosperous than other nations. They often tend to separate themselves from mainstream Evangelicals, believing they are the 'True Church.' They also can tend to have a superior attitude towards the Jewish people, who after all still reject Jesus ' thus they are also the 'True Israel.'

No doubt they have tapped into a long line of shaky 'scholarship' which purports to trace the movement of the lost tribes into Western Europe. In past generations, this false teaching was known as British Israelism, among other monikers.

In Israel today, some Jews are intrigued by this phenomenon, seeing it as a sign of expected mass conversions of Gentiles to Judaism or the
Noahide laws in the 'last days.' Some on the Right also see it as a way of strengthening the settler movement, as these Christian Zionists tend to be strong proponents of keeping all the land. They have even proposed that Ephraimites be allowed to take up residence in the settlements.

But overall, most Israelis aware of the
Ephraimite movement see it as yet another reason to question the beliefs and motives of Christian Zionists. ##

Brit-Am Reply:
Parsons above describes how in his view the idea of Israelite descent is influencing those Christians who believe in it.
We also believe the Almighty is causing an arousal in the hearts of some of those descended from Israel. We see a return to Biblical Practices to be positive but not necessarily obligatory. Mass conversion to Judaism or to Noachide Law and re-settlement in the Land countenanced by settlers in the West Bank (Judah and Samaria) do not seem to us to be options taken seriously by anyone up to now. Certainly not by Ephraimites! All this however is besides the point.
If these people are not descended from Israelites then it is all a mistake and there should be nothing to consider.
If they however be of Israelite descent then we may have much to talk about.
In  other words the above considerations of Parsons should be the last and not the first points in the discussion.

Parsons goes on:
# IN EXAMINING this teaching, it can first be stated that the 'myth' of the Lost Ten Tribes is just that ' a myth. Nowhere does the Bible state that the Ten Tribes of the northern Kingdom of Israel were totally lost. Scattered' Yes! But they are still largely accounted for in Scripture (save for the ultra-rebellious tribe of Dan, which indeed was lost to history).

It is the Jerusalem Talmud which is the source of the myth, and even that cannot be used to support
Ephraimite thinking. One passage speaks of a remnant of the ten tribes still living in self-imposed exile 'beyond the Sambayton River.' This mystical river, whose name is derived from Shabbat, referred to a voluntary separation from the Jewish mainstream by removing themselves 'beyond' Sabbath observance and other Jewish customs.

No doubt, a small portion of the northern ten tribes likely drifted off to lands unknown, but the Bible does account for the vast majority, who went through a sifting process whereby the faithful were absorbed back into Judah.

After the northern Kingdom of Israel broke away from the southern Kingdom of Judah, the books of Kings and Chronicles repeatedly tell of many from the northern ten tribes defecting to the south, even well before the Assyrian assault on Samaria in 722 BC (recounted in 2 Kings 17 and 18).

Many were still loyal to Jerusalem as the center of worship and pilgrimage, rather than the rival temple set up on Mount
Gerizim. Others believed the true successor to King David was in Judah, while Israel's kings were falling into apostasy. These defections accelerated whenever civil war erupted between the divided kingdoms.

Thus, for instance, 2 Chronicles 15:9 says that many 'fell to him [Judah's King
Asa] out of Israel in abundance, when they saw that the Lord his God was with him.' (See also, 2 Chronicles 11:13-17 and 19:4)

The army of Judah grew exponentially in this period to over one million warriors (compare 1 Kings 12:21 with 2 Chronicles 14:8 and 17:14-18), while King Ahab eventually could only muster 7,000 from the 'children of Israel' (1 Kings 20:15).

Then as the Assyrians laid siege to the northern tribes, many more fled southward. Archeologists have verified that Jerusalem itself grew ten times in population in this brief period due to the influx of Israelite refugees, and a new outer wall was hastily erected to enclose them; a section is still visible along Nablus Road near the US Consulate in eastern Jerusalem.

Then in the 135 years between the Assyrian invasion of the north and the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in 586 BC, more drifted south from the ten tribes. This was because conquerors in those days would only take away the nobles and learned and skilled workers into exile, while leaving the leaderless peasantry to work the land and pay tribute (see the similar fate of Judah in 2 Kings 24:10-14).

In his dissertation studies on the subject, author Jack
Carstens notes that, curiously, the Encyclopedia Judaica recites that only 27,290 Israelites were carried off by the Assyrians to beyond the Euphrates.  ##

Brit-Am Reply:
The Bible says that ALL the Northern Tribes were taken away.
Not only the Jerusalem Talmud but also the Babylonian Talmud, Midrashim, and ALL other pertinent sources speak of the Ten Tribes in Exile.
A small minority from the Ten Tribes did re-attach themselves to Judah in the same way as some of Judah were to be found amongst the Ten Tribes.
As Tribal entities however only those of the Ten Tribes in Exile were pre-determined to achieve their national expression as distinct polities.
This was emphasized by Nachmanides quoted above.

Biblical Populations.
Parsons implies that even before the Exile most of the Israelite Population was to be found in Judah. He mentions King Ahab being able to muster only 7000 men whereas,

# The army of Judah grew exponentially in this period to over one million warriors (compare 1 Kings 12:21 with 2 Chronicles 14:8 and 17:14-18)#.

These figures are misleading.

1 Kings 12:21 refers to King Rehoboam of Judah:
# ...he assembled all the house of Judah with the tribe of Benjamin, one hundred and eighty thousand chosen men who were warriors, to fight against the house of Israel, that he might restore the kingdom to Rehoboam the son of Solomon # (1-Kings 12:21).

2-Chronicles 14:8 refers to King Asa.
 # And Asa had an army of three hundred thousand from Judah who carried shields and spears, and from Benjamin two hundred and eighty thousand men who carried shields and drew bows; all these were mighty men of valor. (2-Chronicles 14:8).

 2-Chronicles 17:14-18 refers to King Jehoshaphat.
  The sequence is King Rehoboam (180,000 men), King Asa (580,000 men), King Jehoshaphat with 780,000 men from Judah and 380 from Benjamin, i.e. 1,160,000.

Parsons is probably familiar with Scripture. He should know that relationships between Judah and the northern Kingdom of Israel were volatile. Periods of friendship and co-operation would alternate with open hostility. Sometimes Judah had the upper hand but more often than not the victorious party was the Kingdom of Israel. The Ten Tribes comprised ten out of the Twelve Tribes or rather thirteen when Joseph is counted as the two separate Tribes of Ephraim and Menasseh and both Levi and Simeon are included in the quorum. 
[Traditionally there seems to be something about keeping the number down to twelve even though thirteen  were actually present. Does 13 being an "unlucky" number precede Judas Iscariot?]

The small number that King Ahab of Israel was able to muster apply to a specific incident at that time under exceptional circumstances.
Archaeological evidence has provided us with an Assyrian inscription concerning the battle of Qarqar in northern Syria. King Ahab of Israel headed a coalition of princes against Assyria headed by Shalmanessar-3. This has been dated conventionally to ca. 853 BCE which would have been the last year of the reign of Ahab. It was therefore after his confrontation with Aram (Syria) which he had defeated despite the relatively small number of 7,000 warriors who stood by him. Subsequent to his war against Aram, Ahab had apparently induced his former enemy to join him in a confederation against Assyria. Eleven other monarchs were together with Ahab in this Federation. At the battle of Qarqar the Assyrians record Ahab with a contingent of 10,000 warriors (out of a total of 63,000) and 2,000 chariots (out of 4,000). The Israelite contingent had the largest number of chariots and the second highest of soldiers. Shalmaneser claimed that his troops inflicted 14,000 casualties upon the allied army. The Assyrians however appear to have suffered a set-back. Their wars of aggression against the Israelites were not renewed for some time.

The Bible does not give separate population figures for Judah and Israel in the later stages.

In the time of David we are told:
2-Samuel 24:
9 Then
Joab gave the sum of the number of the people to the king. And there were in Israel eight hundred thousand valiant men who drew the sword, and the men of Judah were five hundred thousand men.

Amaziah King of Judah (who lived ca. 60 years after Ahab) amassed an army out of Judah and Benjamin of 300,000 choice men.
[2-Chronicles 25:6] He also hired one hundred thousand mighty men of valor from Israel for one hundred talents of silver.
These 100,000 mercenaries were from Ephraim and Amaziah was told by the Prophet to discharge them.
[2-Chronicles 25:10] So Amaziah discharged the troops that had come to him from Ephraim, to go back home.

If 100,000 mercenaries were available from Ephraim alone it stands to reason that in the rest of Israel there must have remained many more.
Indeed, almost immediately after this incident war broke out between the Kingdom of Judah and the northern Kingdom of Israel and Judah was defeated (see 2-Kings 14:12 ff).
The impression from the Bible is that taken as a whole, all the northern Tribes together, far outnumbered those in Judah.

Archaeological opinion (for what it is worth) also says the same:

# archaeological surveys indicate that until the eighth century [i.e. the 700s after the Assyrian Exile] the population of the Judahite highlands was about one-tenth that of the highlands of the northern kingdom of Israel. #
"The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts",
 by Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher
Silberman, 2001, p.238

Even if it were true that at the time of the Assyrian Exile the population of Northern Israel had been greatly reduced, Biblical Prophecy foretold that in their place of exile they would grown into an immense multitude, as the sand of the sea meaning hundreds of millions as we have shown elsewhere.
Immense Multitudes of People

Hosea 1: 10 Yet the number of the children of Israel
      Shall be as the sand of the sea,
      Which cannot be measured or numbered.
      And it shall come to pass
      In the place where it was said to them,
      ' You are not My people,'
      There it shall be said to them,
      ' You are sons of the living God.'

Isaiah 10: 22 For though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea,
      A remnant of them will return;
      The destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness.

Genesis 15:5, 22:17,  24:60, 32:12, Numbers 23:10, Isaiah 24:16, 26:15.

Parsons has trouble with figures.
His ten-fold increase in the size of Jerusalem seems suspicious.
So too his,
#  only 27,290 Israelites were carried off by the Assyrians to beyond the Euphrates. #
is a misrepresentation.
The Completeness of the Exile.
Answers to Deniers of  Brit-Am Biblical Truth.

The Stages of Exile

The Assyrian inscription should be read:
"I counted as spoil [2)7,280 people..and the rest of them I resettled in Assyria".
What is more, the inscription is applying ONLY to the city of Samaria after a three-year siege.
Other inscriptions refer to the exile of all the Israelites east of the Jordan and all those of the Northern Galilee.
Archaeological evidence shows the complete destruction and abandonment of ALL Israelite settlements in what was the former Kingdom of Israel.
Nothing was left. They were all gone. The Bible also says that same.

2-Kings 17:18
Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them from His sight; there was none left but the tribe of Judah alone.

2-Kings 17:23
until the LORD removed Israel out of His sight, as He had said by all His servants the prophets. So Israel was carried away from their own land to Assyria, as it is to this day.

The Prophets had foretold the completeness of Exile:
"If there yet remain a tenth in it, it also shall be consumed" (Isaiah 6:13).

"Until The LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day" (2-Kings 17:3).....

Parsons Said:
Of those left behind, some joined lots with Judah while others intermingled with foreigners brought in to colonize the area, giving rise to the shunned Samaritans of the Gospels.

The Bible confirms many Israelites were left in the land and that the Kings of Judah even came north and took control of their cities. In 2 Chronicles 30, for example, King Hezekiah invites the remaining Israelites to keep Passover with Judah (See also 2 Chronicles 31:1 and 35:17).

Brit-Am Reply:
A very small number of Israelites may have intermixed with the Samaritans.
See our article:
Do traditions of British and French Kinship Reflect Ancestral Connections'

Hezekiah did call on inhabitants of the north to celebrate Passover in Jerusalem.
According to the Bible King Hezekiah extended his invitation in the first year of his reign (2-Chronicles 29:3).
The siege of Samaria by the Assyrians was begun in the fourth year [2-Kings 18:9] of the reign of Hezekiah and completed about three years later [2-Kings 18:10].
The Bible therefore says that at the beginning of the reign of Hezekiah some of the Northern Israelites still remained in Samaria but later they too were all exiled.

We have answered the above claims of Parsons in still more detail (and less parsimony) in our articles:
The Completeness of the Exile.
Answers to Deniers of  Brit-Am Biblical Truth.

Parsons said;
# Later, when elements of both Israel and Judah were in captivity, they stayed in contact with each other and all the royal edicts allowing the return to Zion were passed on to the northern tribes in exile. The books of Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah attest to such interaction and begin to use the terms Jews and Israelites interchangeably. The noted Jewish historian Josephus Flavius also documents their contacts in exile and is still able to account for the ten tribes as of the First Century.

Brit-Am Reply:
In the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah ONLY Israelites from the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi are mentioned expressly as returning to Judah.
Where were the rest?
Josephus mentions the Ten Tribes as being a vast multitude beyond the River Euphrates but he does not say they were together with Judah. On the contrary, he speaks of them as being separate.

Parsons said:
Thereafter, the New Testament writers both assume and affirm that the Jewish people of their day contained significant remnants from all 12 tribes. They also treat the terms Jews and Israel as synonymous.

In one clear example in Acts 26:7, the Apostle Paul uses the present tense in telling King
Agrippas: 'To this promise our twelve tribes, earnestly serving God night and day, hope to attain.'

James also addresses his epistle to the 'twelve tribes which are scattered abroad' (1:1). Again, they are dispersed but still accounted for!

Brit-Am Replies:
Parsons speaks of  New Testament addresses to the Twelve Tribes of Israel referring apparently only (?) to Jews. These could be addressed to the Jews in general who even though they mainly were comprised of the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, ALSO included (as we have shown) a small minority representation of all the other tribes.
Scholars such as Eddie Chumney and Steven Collins are more qualified to deal with New Testament questions such as the above than we are.

Parsons says:
Leading Jewish researchers into the fate of the 'lost' Ten Tribes, such as the late Rabbi
Eliyahu Avichail, have concluded that some indeed drifted west and blended back into the Jewish mainstream, while others drifted eastward and live today in isolated communities stretching from the Kurdish areas of northern Iraq over to Kashmir and Tibet. They number several million, share a strong self-identity as Israelite descendants, use certain Hebrew names and phrases, and often keep certain Jewish traditions, such as the Pashtun tribes in Afghanistan who light two candles on Friday evenings.

Brit-Am Replies:
Stories about Kurdish Tribes and Afghans etc being descended from Israel may have had some small historical basis but most of the Ten Tribes are to be found in the West.
Many of these accounts concerning Afghans, Pathans, etc, are no better than fairy-tales. The Lost Ten Tribes are in the west.
See our article:
Taliban-Who? Pathans are NOT Israelites!

Parsons says:
Even so, these scholars concur that the bulk of the Houses of Ephraim (Israel) and Judah were later exiled together by the Romans into the Jewish Diaspora, half of which has now have been gathered back together in the Land, forming 'one nation' on the mountains of Israel just as the Hebrew prophets all agreed they would (Ezekiel 37:22; see also Isaiah 11:12-13; Jeremiah 3:18, 23:6-8 and 31; Zechariah 8:13). From the perspective of the divided and warring kingdoms of their day, this is an amazing accomplishment.

Brit-Am Reply:
What scholars say that Judah and Ephraim were joined together again?
No-one, as far as we know [apart from the Natziv whom Parsons has probably never heard of], that we (or most others) would consider a scholar says anything of the sort.
The Ten Tribes were lost and have not returned. They have not re-united with Judah. That is what Nachmanides and other Jewish authorities say.
There is a minority opinion that the Lost Tribes are to be found amongst Ashkenazic (European) Jews. This seems unlikely or if at all true then as applying to a small minority amongst the Jews and a minority of the Ten Tribes.
Alternately it could be that in this, as in other cases elsewhere, the Jews eventually applied to themselves traditions that pertained to populations who had been in the area before them. There were legends that the Lost Ten Tribes had been in parts of Europe. Later when Jews settled in those areas it was obvious that the Gentile inhabitants around them on the whole could not be from the Ten Tribes so in time the local Jews began to apply those traditions to themselves.
For instance, a portion of the Lost Tribes had been in Germany.  This was reported by sages such as Solomon Luria, "Chochmat Shlomoh", Maharshal, 1510-1574, and became part of Jewish tradition. It is also mentioned in Gentile sources such as the Austrian Chronicle concerning the period up to 223 CE. The Israelites that had once sojourned in Central Europe had moved away into the Netherlands, France, and the British Isles. Some remained but later moved en masse to North America in the 1700s and 1800s. The local Jews of Germany etc received these traditions or heard the legends from others and may have applied them to themselves or had them applied by others from outside who were not aware of the historical background.
Similar phenomenon happened elsewhere.
This is well known in social history e.g. compare the number of Americans who celebrate Thanksgiving Day to the number of those physically descended from the Pilgrim Fathers who first instituted the event!

At all events, Scripture along with Jewish Tradition and Commentaries overwhelmingly agree that the majority of the Ten Tribes did not return and did not re-unite with Judah but are still destined to do so.

It may be that many of those Gentiles who over the centuries converted to Judaism were from the Ten Tribes or from Judah. This however is besides the point. The Bible says that the Ten Tribes on the whole will remain separate and distinct from Judah until the End Days. Such is the situation at present.

Parsons says:
THERE ARE TWO sobering lessons to take from all this. The first is that people can cut themselves off from the move and purpose of God of their own volition. He gave ample chances for the northern Kingdom to repent and stay with the remnant He was preserving over time, and yet some chose otherwise.

The second is that we should not take Scriptures with plain meaning and read into them mysteries that are not there. Both the letters of Timothy and Titus exhort us to teach 'sound doctrine.' Clearly, the
Ephraimite theory does not make the grade.

Brit-Am Reply:
Parsons has misrepresented the evidence. He has demonstrated an antagonist attitude. He does not believe in the Ten Tribes because he chooses not to. Even if he did believe in them then he would choose to identify them with Afghans and Muslims and other bright sparks but not they whom they really are. Something is wrong here and on this point it is not we who are lacking.

The Bible says that the Ten Tribes were destined to remain:

Separate from Judah (Isaiah 11:12-13 49:21).
Not known to Judah (Isaiah 49:13-14, 21. Hosea 1:7).
To practice Christianity (Hosea 2:8, 2:13, 2:16 11:12 Jeremiah 31:6).
To intermix with Gomer implying a Linkage with European nations (Hosea chapter one).
In the future they will re-unite with the Jews of "Judah" (Ezekiel 37, Isaiah 11:13 Jeremiah 3:18) but until then they have a role of their own to fulfill. They were destined to be situated at the continental extremities of the earth such as North America, the British Isles, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa (Deuteronomy 33:13 Isaiah 24:16 26:15 41:8-9 49:6).
To be the richest (Genesis 27:28 49:25 Deuteronomy 33:13-16 Hosea 2:8),
and most powerful nations on earth (Numbers 24:8-7 Micah 5:7-9).
To control major international strategic bases (Genesis 22:16-17 24:60).
To fulfill more than a hundred other criteria a partial list of which is given below.

The Bible says the Lost Tribes are today amongst Western Peoples.

Below is a list of relevant verses but for links to a more thorough discussion see our article:

List of 122 (was 110) Brit-Am Biblical Proofs

1. Ends of the Earth: Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9 43:6 49:6
2. Isles Isaiah 24:15  49:6 60:9 Jeremiah 31: 9-10
3. Thighs, Peninsulas, and Coasts: Jeremiah 31:8
4. Tarshish (Atlantic Ocean Area) Isaiah 60:9
5. Western Location:  Isaiah 24:14, Hosea 1:10
6. Located to the Northwest of the Land of Israel: Isaiah 49:12
7. In the "North" Land:  Jeremiah 3:18  31: 6-10
8. Australia ("Land of  Sinim") Isaiah 49:8
See also Brit-Am Computer Codes on Australia and New Zealand
9. Best Places (Atziliyah) Isaiah 41: 9
10. Fires in the Isles referring to Celtic Britain Isaiah 24:15
11: Zarephath, meaning France and Britain, Obadiah 1:20
12. Dolmens showing Pathway of Migration  Jeremiah 31:21
13. Many Waters (Several Oceans) Numbers 24:7

14. Bald-Headed Eagle (symbol of USA) Micah 1:16
15. Lion and Unicorn (Symbol of Britain) Numbers 24:7-9

16. Cyrus: Messiah son of Joseph  Isaiah 44:28
17. Rule Over OTHER Peoples:
Genesis 27:29 48:19 "A MULTITUDE OF NATIONS" (Hebrew: "Malo HaGoyim" i.e. Complete the Peoples, Onkelos: = Rule over the nations), Psalms 47:3
18. Being Recognizable as a "Brit-Am" Isaiah 42:6 49:8 Covenant of the People
19. Seafarers Isaiah 42:10
20. Be the Dominant World Power Numbers 24:7-9 Micah 5:7-9
21. Military Might: Deuteronomy 33:27 33:29 Jer. 51:20-21
22. The Battle-Axe of the Almighty or "Police-Man of the Globe"
Jeremiah 51:20 Zechariah 10:7
23. Defeat Edom (Germany and Europe) Ez. 25:14 Obad. 1:18
24. Light for the Gentiles Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18-19, 22:18 24:4  Isaiah 42:1 42:6 Amos 6:15
25: Alcoholic Drunkards Isaiah 28:1, 3

26. Separate from Judah: Isaiah 11:12-13  49:21
27. Not known to Judah:  Isaiah 49:13-14, 21. Hosea 1:7
28. Christianity: Hosea 2:8, 2:13, 2:16  11:12  Jeremiah 31:6
29. Gomer: Linkage with European nations;  Hosea chapter one

30. Numerous: Genesis 15:5, 22:17,  24:60, 32:12, Numbers 23:10, Isaiah 10:22, 24:16, 26:15 Hos.1:10
31. Agricultural Plenty: Gen 27:28 49:25 Deut 33:13-16  Hoshea 2:8
32. Mineral Resources Genesis 49:25  Deuteronomy 33:13, 15
33. GATE(s) OF YOUR ENEMIES (International Strategic Points) Genesis 22:17  24:60
34, 35, 36. Cush (India), Egypt, Chains in Slaves from Africa to be taken overseas to homeland Isa. 44:28  also Isa 43:3 45:14
37.  Ruled by Sons of David Jeremiah 33:22, 26
38.  Headed by Kings Genesis 17:6, 16,  35:11

39. The name Hebrew (The Western "Celts" called themselves "Iberi" meaning "Hebrews"!):  Genesis 14:13 39:17 40:15 1:12  43:32  Jonah 1:9
40. Isaac: (Genesis 21:12 48:16). Scythians, Zohak, Ishkuza, Sacasson, Saxon.
41. Jacob: Isaiah 49:6 Tribes of Jacob: Union Jack, Yankee,
42. Israel: "Isru" traditional ancestor of the Irish and Scottish
43. John Bull (nickname for Britain):  Deut 33:17  Jeremiah 31:18 "Aegel" (Angle) was a nickname for Ephraim
44-114. Seventy Tribal and Clan Names many of which are still in use.
Each Name deserves to be registered as proof in its own right since it usually occurs several times over in conjunction with other clan names of the Tribe and in similar Line of Camp Marching Alignment as described and illustrated in our work The Tribes.

115. Nobility Principle associated with  Ephraim  (UK) Jer. 31:20
116. Representative Democracy associated with Manasseh (USA) Genesis 41:51
117. The name "America" from Machir firstborn of Manasseh. USA the major  Capitalist nation and "Machir" denotes Principle of Sale.
118. Zebulon on the shores of the Sea (Gen 49:13) Sabulingoi (People of Zebulon) in Holland who do literally dwell on the sea-shores.
119.Proof from Biblical Brit-Am Computer Codes
120.Ephraimite Criteria
121. Object of Islamic Terror
122. Numerous Other Proofs in Scripture and Related Sources.

More Brit-Am Rabbinical Sources

Ten Lost Tribes and Biblical Philosophy.

