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Brit-Am Now no. 1759.
Movement of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
6 October 2011, 8 Tishrei 5772.
1. Sylvia : Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
2. Link to Creationist ULR Sent but Brit-Am Wants a Take on DNA!
3. Subscribing to the yairdavidiy YouTube channel.
4. Books Received.
5. Yom Kippur Message for the Year  5772 (2011)


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1. Sylvia: Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1758

#1. Brit-Am on Unity and the Need for Enhanced Support.

Dear Yair,

I appreciate all your research, videos, writing and regular updates. I expect few of us have any real idea of all the effort that goes into your work.

In the Bible I read that God will supply our needs if He approves of our deeds. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Yet He is also kind to us when we are poor at obeying and trusting Him. My heart is always touched by that. I felt the same way when I read what you wrote about our contributions to your work, or the lack of them: "Whether you do this or do not, may all go well with all of you all the time." It encouraged me to send a contribution. I hope to again.

Thank you for your expert and tireless work in what we also believe in.



2. Link to Creationist ULR Sent but Brit-Am Wants a Take on DNA!
From: Merlin Houzet
Subject: ICR A Few Reasons an Evolutionary Origin of Life Is Impossible

Here is an article from the Institute for Creation Research: A Few Reasons an Evolutionary Origin of Life Is Impossible (

Brit-Am Comment:
What we would like to see is how the Creationists deal with questions involving DNA.
Brit-Am intermittently does quite a lot in this regard but we would like to see what other people are doing.

3. Subscribing to the yairdavidiy YouTube channel.
 Charlene  wrote:
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1758
Hello Yair -
How do we subscribe to Brit Am on You Tube?  (per Item 2 in your message)
Do we just enter Brit-Am in the YouTube search window?.... or is there some subscription procedure we can do to be updated with each new YouTube posted?

Brit-Am Reply:
The feature was set up by one of my sons.
It is not referred to as the Brit-Am Channel but as yairdavidiy's Channel
[We  may eventually set up a separate Brit-Am channel parallel to it].

At the top it has a yellow button with the word SUBSCRIBE in it. Press on this.
Alternately if one scrolls down another such button appears just underneath the photo.
We have not posed any new clips for a while but, God Willing, will return to doing so.
HaShem be with you and your family,

4. Books Received.

Kuntras ZUG MeKudash (Hebrew) by Zeev HaLevi Kayman. This is a religious book mainly about a prayer. He does however have an interesting section dealing with the inter-relationships amongst the Tribes of Israel.
This could prove useful.

A Hebrew version of "Reclaiming the Bible. Evidence of the Bible's Archaeological and its Historical Accuracy" by  Liebel Reznick. This work is also available in its original English-language version.

"Les Juifs en Amerique Ancienne" (The Jews in Ancient America) by Pierre Carnac, 1983. By "Jews" the author means Hebrews.  We are not usually concerned with this subject but the book reads well and so far has valuable insights and information.  The first third portion of the book deals extensively with Phoenician maritime enterprise in general.

Mysteries of Creation by Rabbi David Brown, 1997. This work is similar to the Creationist anti-Evolution productions but from a Rabbinical perspective. It has an original innovative approach.

Les Temps deLa Venue Du Machiah (The Times of the Coming of Messiah) by Kountrass (several writers), Jerusalem, 2010. This book discusses different approaches to the Messianic Era, the Wars of Gog and Magog, etc.

Galut veGeulah (Exile and Redemption) by David Rosef. Discusses the End Times.

Obviously we do not immediately read all of the books that come into us from one source or other.  We do however usually get around to reading (or at least going through) the greater part of most of them.
We read French with some difficulty so usually avoid doing so but if the books are worth it we make an effort.

5. Yom Kippur Message for the Year  5772 (2011)

Two years ago we sent out a message on the eve of Yom Kippur.
This message is still pertinent today.

Tomorrow evening (7 October 2011) according to the Hebrew Calendar begins the Day of Atonement (Yom  Kippur).

Brit-Am Now no. 1240
#1. The Brit-Am Message for Yom Kippur (5769). An Outline

## In that time a Great Shofar will be blown and the Ten Lost Tribes who were exiled by Assyria and the Jewish Captives who were scattered to Egypt, Russia, Eastern Europe and elsewhere shall retun and they shall worship God in the Temple Mountain in Jerusalem.

This verse from Isaiah 27:13 about blowing a great shofar is quoted several times in the Prayer Service for Yom Kippur.

We all need to repent. Repentance includes helping to bring about the principle of the Jubilee Year. This includes helping descendants of the Lost Tribes know where they are and who they are.
This is what Brit-Am does.

All truth passes through three stages: First it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860).

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