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Brit-Am Now no. 1545
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
19 July 2010, 8 Ab 5770
1. Three Recent Short Articles and You Tube Clips on the
2. Charlotte Mecklenburg:
There should be 12 tribes
: God was going to place us or had placed us in one of those tribes
3. John Wharton: "the house of Israel, and the house of Judah won't pass away"
4. James
Abbadie (1723) on the Ten Tribes
5. Ninth of Ab and Repentance?.
6. Michael Johnson: The Needs of Israel and a Ten Tribes Solution?
7. International Relations according to Brit-Am; Theory Versus Reality?


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1. Three Recent Short Articles and You Tube Clips on the Khazars.
In case anyone did not notice, last week we put out three short articles on the Khazars
accompanied by You Tube clips.

The Khazars were from the Ten Tribes.

The Khazars were NOT Turks!

The Khazars were Hebrews!

These articles are short but they include valuable and useful information.
The You Tube clips are short and may not be the best but (in our opinion) they are worth viewing and of interest.

2. Charlotte Mecklenburg:
There should be 12 tribes: God was going to place us or had placed us in one of those tribes
Re Brit-Am Now no. 1544
#1. Mark A. Robinson: The Fate of the Tribes

Yair, in response to Mark's message:

With all the prophecies that state that God will bring the tribes back, there is no way He is going to let them dissolve in to nothing. That is why so many people like myself,  who had a sense that there should be 12 tribes and that God was going to place us or had placed us in one of those tribes. If the dissolution is taking place, I fear not because there will be a remnant just as Judah always has had a remnant. Besides God's government is based on twelve leaders of these tribes. He will set up his Holy Kingdom here on earth and bring righteousness as he has always planned to do.

As to how soon, that may depend on a lot of factors that are implied in the prophecies yet to be fulfilled. He can do those things quickly, or hold back the wild beasts until He gets what He wants. I too hope for sooner rather than later.

Charlotte Mecklenburg

3. John Wharton: "the house of Israel, and the house of Judah won't pass away"
Re Brit-Am Now no. 1544
#1. Mark A. Robinson: The Fate of the Tribes

Hi Yair,
Just had to say that I agree with Mark A. Robinson: The Fate of the Tribes on the significance of the prophecy in Jeremiah 16:14-15. This comment was really needed.
Too many focus on thoughts of judgment. God has guaranteed that the house of Israel, and the house of Judah won't pass away. Or be destroyed by Him in judgment. They may be punished. But He will bring them through it even stronger because He has said He will in many prophecies. We shouldn't lose sight of that.

4. James Abbadie (1723) on the Ten Tribes

French Huguenot Pastor and Dean Jacques (or Jakob or James) Abbedie (1654-1727), "La Triomphe de la Providence et de la Religion" (1723):

# Unless the Ten Tribes of Israel are flown into the air or sunk into the earth, they must be those ten Gothic tribes that entered Europe in the fifth century, overthrew the Roman Empire, and founded the ten nations of modern Europe. #

5. Ninth of Av Repentance
Tonight begins the Ninth of Ab on which religious Jews fast for ca. 25 hours neither eating nor drinking. On this day we mourn over the destruction of the First and Second Temples and other calamities. Special prayers (Kinot), dating back over the centuries, are said. These prayers include laments for the ruination of Samaria and the exile of the Ten Tribes. The book of Lamentations [Eichah] is read.

6. Michael Johnson: The Needs of Israel and a Ten Tribes Solution?
Hello Yair,
I was very disappointed to learn in a recent USA Newsweek that the CIA predicts Israel will cease to exist in 20 to 30 years. What a tragedy! I do think Israel is getting too weak on the One State Solution. Israel needs to increase its Jewish population to survive and not become the minority. I don't like these settlement freezes. Have you thought of encouraging Europeans to accept their ancestry and actually move to Israel? This is really something the Israeli government should consider. I think Palestinians should be encouraged to embrace the Tanakh and either follow the Law of Moses or find a more appropriate land to live in. I do think the key to Israel's growth is largely in your hands, and I hope action will soon be taken to increase the Israelite population.
Michael Johnson

7. International Relations according to Brit-Am; Theory Versus Reality?

Outlines for what may become a full-length article perhaps after receiving Reader Input.

The State of Israel contains ca. 6 million Jews and 2 million Arabs. Its area was acquired in stages after fighting wars that were imposed on it.
Within the State of Israel exist two separate Arab organizations (Hamas and Fatah) EACH  of which is built to become a statehood in its own right.
They receive money and guidance from outside. Fatah gets support from the USA , European nations, and Japan. Hamas is backed mainly by Iran but also by others including Europeans.

The State of Israel is hated by most countries of the world. The USA relates to Israel in many ways as an extension of its self giving it aid, support, and backing at the price of allowing the Arab entities to exist, on occasion giving in to the Arabs, and not strengthening its Jewish God-given identity.

Other Israelite nations (Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, France, Beligum, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway Sweden , Finland, Eire) in effect all recognize the right of Israel to exist and defend itself but they too exact the same price as the USA does. They are mostly much more anti-Israel than the US is but are still in the same league. Their very anti-Jewish attitudes in a way help them act as a cushion for Israel against the rest of the world.

THE PRICE is the existence of the Arab Polities inside Israel. These polities receive money and assistance to varying degrees according to what the climate is towards Israel. So too, external enemies of Israel such as Egypt and Saudia also receive support from Israelite nations in accordance with the prevailing climate.
IN ADDITION, for decades now, the USA and Israelite Nations (in the past surreptitiously, now openly) lavishly subsidize quisling elements within Israel e.g. Secular anti-religious organizations, homosexual groups, civil rights groups, peace-mongers, cultural activities, etc. On the whole however they are careful not to overplay their hand and use their influence to moderate rather than altogether negate Jewish Biblical Consciousness.

In the eyes of the west, There also exists the option that is left operative of introducing foreign troops to Israel or "Palestine" in a Peace-Keeping capacity that could well become a de facto occupation force.

Of the non-Israelite nations, Germany acts like the Israelites for the present though the population is still basically anti-Jewish.
Japan and Russia are strongly pro-Arab. In some ways Israel is taken  to represent the USA interests and power: Hurt Israel and you reduce US capacity.

The rest of the world would want to see the end of Israel. They themselves despise good attributes and mistreat their own peoples.

The USA and Israelite Nations are not aware of their Hebraic ancestry. Their loyalty to Biblical concepts is greatly weakened. They do not even care that much about their forefathers or their children. They are acting more out of instinct or in accordance to the pattern set in the past by the founders of their nations.

We see a solution or at least a possible improvement obtainable by emphasizing the following:
a) Increased Biblical Knowledge and Biblical Application.
b) Awareness of Hebrew Ancestry.
c) Pragmatic self-interest involving the good of Israel, i.e. in the long one we will all benefit in those ways our instincts tell us are right ones. If something is right on one plane it will also be so on the other when studied properly. Correct information needs to be made available.

It should be realized that in our time the good of Israel and of the Jewish People will lead to the good of Israelites in general.
Brit-Am only reaches a few thousand people. The numbers may increase. Even if they do not we may merit to have greater effect in other ways. As long as we can function we can help and we are of help. If Brit-Am supporters care about their own peoples and Judah they should help Brit-Am since it seems no-one else will. We have much to offer and believe that they who help Brit-Am will be rewarded from Heaven.

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