"Brit-Am Now"-522
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 11:13:01 +0200
From: Yair Davidiy

"Brit-Am Now"-522
1. Swedish Marriage Custom of Jewish Origin?
2. Mormons Not from Dan: Clarifications.
(a) Claude Boisseau
(b) Scott Mitchell
(c) Lee Sheldon
3. Origin of "James" for Jacob of Norman Origin
4. Jewish society disappearing?
5. Brit-Am Related meetings: Please Come

1. Swedish Marriage Custom of Jewish Origin?
From: Orjan Svensson

Yair Shalom,
On Monday I attended a lecture about Israel where photographs were shown. Among other things they showed a photo of a Jewish wedding in Israel with the bride and groom standing under a so called chuppeh. A Swedish priest who was present at the lecture commented and said approximately: "'chuppes' like that were common in Christian churchs earlier [in Sweden in Swedish weddings], and they were known as 'brudpen' [in Swedish]. This tradition disappeared long ago from Sweden."
God bless you,

2. Mormons Not from Dan: Clarifications.
(a) From: claude boisseau
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-521 the mormons: Danites??

it is right there existed a group of mormons in the beginning of the Church which called themselves 'Danites', they called 'Danites' in reference with the role of Dan who is considered as a judge in Israel. My opinion is that this group were composed of extremists who wanted to vindicate the massacres of their brothers by the mob lead by protestant ministersin Missouri . The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter Day Saints claims to be mostly from Ephraim. About 80% of them are recognised as Ephaimites and the rest is a melting pot of the other tribes. Some of them are also from Judah. The Church has been restored by the Latter Day Prophet Joseph Smith whose mission is to gather together the Lost Tribes to prepare the upcoming of the Second Advent of the Messiah who will reign upon the earth. The Prophet Joseph Smith is said to be a direct descendant of Joseph who was sold in Egypt and the Messiah is a direct descendant of David. The Church believe that the tribe of Judah shall not recognize nor accept the mission of Joseph Smith until the very second advent of the true Messiah. At this time, they shall accept Him. There will be two "centers" of leadership on earth . Ephraim shall give the spiritual law in America and Judah the political law in Jerusalem.
(b) From: Scott Mitchell
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-521
One of your readers mistakenly wrote that Mormons identify themselves with Dan. I am a lifelong, devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (or "Mormon"). I am very well-read on matters of church doctrine and history. Church members do not identify themselves with descendants of Dan, and they never have. We do identify themselves as descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, however, and our Tenth Article of Faith reads as follows:
"We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the ten tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; ...that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory." There was a time in the late 1830's when a group of men belonging to the Mormon church privately organized a secret group, calling themselves the Danites. Their name was in no way related to any notion that Dan was their ancestor, but based on the story of the ancient men of Dan taking the city of Laish by the sword. The Danites operated without any church recognition or authorization, and their actions (using force to fight against perceived enemies) caused much harm, and constituted a black mark in Chruch history. The average devout member of the church today has never heard of the Danites, as that group has been out of operation for over 150 years. But the same devout church member can tell you quite a bit about believing that Ephraim and Manasseh are to lead the way in establishing a world ready to receive the promised Messiah.

(c) From: Lee Sheldon
Subject: FYI

Dear Yair: trust all is well with you & those around you.

Having read & re-read John R Ross' comment about the Mormon church calling itself Danites, I must ask where he found such information. As I was not around 150 or so years ago, I am unable to dispute that there may have been pockets of founding members referred to as Danites, but to claim the (current/present) LDS church calls themselves by this name is hogwash!! The LDS church is very much the "House of Israel", made up of mainly Ephraim, with remaining members from the other tribes... Through revelation from the Almighty, members are informed which tribe they are from. I repeat that the majority are blood Ephraim, but in some cases, even birth siblings (along with the other members), come from different tribes, which more than suggests that the Almighty discerns where your spirit will be placed when you are born on this earth.


May I add another comment about the media referring to "anti-Semite" feelings & actions among the masses? Somehow we need to teach the media & the masses, that ALL descendents from SHEM are Semites (Shemites). That has to include the entire House of Israel TOGETHER with House of Judah. If this truth was 'broadcast' around the world, maybe, just maybe, we could achieve better understanding among the world's nations.

Brit-Am seems to be covering a much broader spectrum as various people write in with their thoughts & questions. This makes for a very interesting read (except for how wonderful America is ....ad nauseum from some US biased reports). ALL of the North American continent ~ yes that includes Canada, is the Promised Land of Joseph / Israel. Thank you for including many subjects, & even a repeat of some articles from 2 or more years ago would be most welcome to all the newcomers.
God Bless in all you do
Lee (Vancouver, BC)

3. Origin of "James" for Jacob of Norman Origin
From another list:

"Judith, being a Frankish Princess, is why I excluded Norman French. The Franks had been Christianized by 507 CE and Norman names included Matthew, Simon, Anne, David, Susanna and is the language in which Jacob became 'James' "Jack Kilmon

4. Jewish society disappearing?
From: J B
Jewish society is simply disappearing in North America. For one Jews feel akin to the Anglo Saxon founders of North America. We are the same people with the same aspirations and love of democracy and many other things in common. If Jews in North America do not wear visible clothing articles you would never know they were Jews. Jews may be persecuted somewhat by other minorities in North America however the Anglo Saxon and other Israelite elements of North America have established strong relationships with our Jewish communities. Jews have married into families of other Israelite nations that dwell in North America. It is actually quite alarming because we are losing the strong Jewish culture that was once here in N.A. The last strong holds of Judaism in North America are New York, Toronto and Montreal.

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