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 Mr. Davidiy keeps in frequent touch with the Lost Tribes of Israel, and 'found' Israelites, via the Free Electronic Newsletter.  These newsletters are very informative and enlightening.  To add your name to the list just send an e-mail message to him with 'subscribe' in the subject line.

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As a member of our list you will regularly receive features that include:

* Jerusalem News: A short summary of newsworthy items mainly concerned  with the State of Israel.

* Brit-Am Now: Updates on research, new insights, questions and answers  from our members, and ongoing discussions.

* Biblical Brit-Am: A regular commentary on Scripture that strives to give an overall picture while emphasizing Biblical passages that more  directly concern Brit-Am beliefs. At present we are going though the Book of  Ezekiel.

* Other interesting postings.

         There is no charge for subscription to this list. We do welcome  contributions and purchase of our publications, but we also value your presence on our list in itself and anything beyond that is up to individual decision.

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God bless you in every way,
Yair Davidiy

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