HOP no.12
The Hussein Obama Pages

Obama in Arab dress
Obama dressed as a Muslim dignitary while on a visit to Kenya in 2006.

HOP no.12
Hussein Obama Pages
10 JUly 2009, 18 Tammuz 5769
1. Poem: The Closing of the Interogation Facility at
Guatanamo bay in Cuba
2. BORN IN THE USA? Hospital won't back
Obama birth claim
3. Professor Paul
Eidelberg: The Anti-Israelite Obama Agenda


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1. Poem: The Closing of the Interogation Facility at Guatanamo bay in Cuba
Dedicated emissaries of Arab Powers
Blew up the Twin Towers
They wished to do more
You could not be sure
It hurts to be blown
all over the place
It pains to be known
As missing a face.
Your feelings may be hurt
When your family
Is treated like dirt
And blown to smithereens
for the sake of Islamic preens
The USA was in danger
So George Bush
Gave a push
Guatanamo bay
For terrorists to stay
Courtesy of CIA
Now delicate souls
From Washington town
Are playing the roles
Of the international clown
To close
Guat down
And let the terrorists go
And return to their show
Of hate
With you
for the bait
It will not help
To give a yelp
and say, I told you so!

Hospital won't back Obama birth claim

Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center refuses to confirm White House letter
By Jerome R. Corsi


The hospital in Hawaii where Barack Obama claims he was born refuses to produce any documentation- or even confirm the claim - without permission of the president himself.

The Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu has posted on its website a letter on White House stationery dated Jan. 24 in which Obama wrote, "As a beneficiary of the excellence of Kapi'olani Medical Center, the place of my birth, I am pleased to add my voice to your chorus of supporters."

Kristy Watanabe, the public relations specialist for the hospital refused to confirm or deny the veracity of Obama's letter claiming he was born at the hospital.

"Our comment to everyone who has been calling is that federal law does not permit us to provide any more details concerning information [about Obama's birth] without authorization from Mr. Obama," Watanabe told WND.

She said the hospital had not contacted Obama for authorization.

Editor's note: Following WND's questioning, the letter was removed from the Kapi'olani Medical Center's website.

WND asked if a hypothetical elected official pretended to be born at the hospital, would federal law prevent her from disclosing that? If so, which federal law would that be?

"It's just our policy that without permission we don't ever answer questions about babies born in the hospital," she said.

This is not the first time Kapi'olani and other Hawaiian hospitals have slammed the door on WND's attempts to ascertain specifics about Obama's birth.

A private detective working in conjunction with WND's investigations last year into Obama's birthplace also visited the hospitals.

In a subsequent affidavit, he said the much-publicized online image of what the White House says is Obama's birth certificate doesn't prove any birth location.

"On October 31st, 2008, officials in Hawaii released a statement that they had examined the birth certificate, but failed to declare whether it was a Live Birth Certificate generated by a hospital with signatures of the attending physician or a 'Late Birth' Certificate of Hawaiian Birth that could have been obtained (for a child) who is one year old or older after birth by a simple affirmation of a family member," wrote investigator Jorge L. Baro, of Elite Legal Services in Florida.

"Only the 'Long Form' original certificate will answer all questions about the date and location of birth and confirm that it occurred in Hawaii," he said.

WND reported in the April issue of Whistleblower that Obama's step-grandmother in an interview transcript obtained by WND in Africa has claimed she was present at Obama's birth in Mombasa, Kenya.

WND is in possession of an affidavit submitted by Rev. Kweli Shuhubia, an Anabaptist minister in Kenya, who is the official Swahili translator for the annual Anabaptist Conference in Kenya, and a second affidavit signed by Bishop Ron McRae, the presiding elder of the Anabaptists' Continental Presbytery of Africa.

In his affidavit, Shuhubia asserts "it is common knowledge throughout the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., was born in Mombasa, Kenya."

Shuhubia further states in his affidavit that he visited Obama's grandmother at her home in the village of Alego-Kogello, on Oct. 16, 2008, in order to conduct a telephone conference interview that would connect with McRae in the United States.

During the telephone interview, McRae specifically asked Sarah Obama two times, "Were you present when your grandson was born in Kenya."

"Both times she specifically replied, 'Yes,'" Shuhubia affirmed in the affidavit.

"Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States," Shuhubia continued in the affidavit.


This quotes from an Obama-supporting site claiming the President was born in Hawai but at a different hospital from that which Obama Hussein refers to.

3. Professor Paul Eidelberg: The Anti-Israelite Obama Agenda
From: eidelberg@foundation1.org
March 19 report in Israel Today.  I quote:

A former top US intelligence official warns that the Obama Administration is about to break America's long ties of friendship with Israel, and maybe even take steps toward the dissolution of the Jewish state.  Speaking on condition of anonymity to Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network, the source said: "The Obama Administration is preparing to provide more support to Arab countries [with] financial and military aid, undercutting Israel's defense efforts while pushing Israel to succumb to the pressure of unreasonable demands designed to end with their political annihilation as a nation." 
In Sleeping with the Devil, ex-CIA agent Robert Baer reveals that former high officials in Washington luxuriate on the Saudi payroll.  The Saudis energize US support for a Palestinian state.  Saudi petro-dollars build mosques and buy influence in American universities.  They are driving a wedge between America and Israel and Obama is accelerating the process.

Obama Bows Obama Bows

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