Rabbi Avraham Feld

  "Little Sister"  
 The Oral Law 


Abbot, Lyman, The Life and literature of the ancient Hebrews. Boston , Houghton, 1901.

Aharoni Yochanan, Archeology of the Land of Israel , Israel , 1978.

Albright, William Foxwell, From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process. The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1946.

Aminoah, Noah, and Yosef Nitzan. Torah. The Oral Tradition An Outline of Rabbiinic Literature throughout the Ages, World Zionist Organization, department for Torah Education and Culture in the Diaspora, Jerusalem, 1983.

Anderson B.W. The Living World of the Old Testament.

Avot de’Rabbi Nathan (Minor tractate of the Talmud, usually published at the end of the Seder.)

(Biblical Archaeology Review * (s, 1982) Lawrence Keleman, Permission to Receive (Four Rational Approaches to the Torah’s Divine Origin), Targum Press.)

Cardoza, Dr. Rabbi Nathan. The Written and Oral Torah: A Comprehensive Introduction, Jason Aronson Inc., Jerusalem , 1989.

Cassuto, Umberto (Moses David), Turn-of-the- century Italian Historian. Mi-adam ad Noach, Mi-Noach ad Avraham, Torath ha-Teudoth (Texts and commentaries on Genesis and Exodus.

Chumash Irving I. Stone Edition , Artscroll Series, Mesorah Publications, Brooklyn NY , 1988.

Collins, Steven. The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel – Found , 1996. (Contact: Sioux Falls , SD ).

Cook, Stanley Arthur. The Laws of Moses and the Code of Hammurabi, A.& C. Black, London , 1903.

Cornill, Carl Heinrich. The Culture of Ancient Israel , The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago , 1914.

Da’ath Zekenim , (A collection of commentaries on the Torah, including 50 named commentators as well as anonymous one. Published around the end of the 13 th century.

Davidi, Yair. Ephraim, Jerusalem Israel , 1995.

Davidi Yair. The Tribes. The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples, Hebron Israel , 1993.

Davidi, Yair. Identity, Jerusalem , 1996.

Duncan, John Garrow. Digging up Biblical History: Recent Archeology in Palestine and its Bearing on the Old Testament, Macmillan , New York , 1934.

Epstein, Baruch Halevi (1860-1942). Torah Temimah (commentary on the Torah based on Talmudic and Midrashic sources), Bobruisk .

Federbush, Simon. Ethics and Law in Israel , Kiryat Sefer, Jerusalem , 1947.

Feliks, Yehudah. Song of songs. Nature, Epic and Allegory, The Israel Society for Biblical Research, Jerusalem , 1983.

Filson, Floyd Vivian and George Ernest Wright. The Westminster Historical Atlas to the Bible, Westminster Press, Philadelphia , 1956.

Finkelstein, Louis. The Pharisees, 1940.

Fisch, Rabbi Dov Aharoni. Jews For Nothing, Feldheim, 1984.

Flusser, David. Judaism and the Origins of Christianity, 1988.

Freedman, Harry, The Five Books of Moses and Haftorot. Arranged and organized into weekly readings.

Genesis Rabbati. Collection of midrashim based on the work of R. Moshe Ha-Darshan.

Ginsberg, HaRav HaGoan, Transforming Darkness into Light, Linda Pinsky-Gal Einai, Jerusalem , 2002.

The Goan of Vilna, Elijah ben Soloman Zalman, the GRA (Dr. Eliyahu Kramer), Aderet Eliyahu, (He is also the author of brilliant commentaries on huge portions of Torah, including texts that discuss grammar and math).

Gutman, Julious. Science and Religion, Hebrew University , Jerusalem , 1955\5715.

Haamek Daba, 19 th century commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Naftali Zevi Yehuda Berlin ( Netzib).

Hertz, Dr. The Pentateuch, Sonsino Press, 1952.

Hirsch, Samson Raphael (1808-1888), various writings from this leader of German Orthodoxy

Ibn Ezra, Abraham, Ibn Ezra (11 th century commentary on the Torah) Spain .

Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible.

Irwin, Clarke Huston. The Bible, the Scholar and the Spade: a Summary of the Results of Modern Excavation and Discovery. The Religious Tract Society, London , 1972.

Jastrow, Marcus. A Dictionary of the Targumin, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature, Vol II, Pardes , New York , 1950

Jehudah Ha-Levi, Kuzari, late 12 th century.

Josephus Flavius.(38-100 C.E.) Jewish Antiquities and Contra Apionem

Kaplan, Rabbi Aryeh. The Living Torah. The Five Books of Moses , New York , 1981

Karo,Yosef ben Ephraim, (Halachic and Kabbalistic). Shulchan Arukh, Bet Yosef.

Kasher, Menachem Mendel. Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation (Torah Shelama)

Katz, Dr. Moshe. Computorah. On Hidden Codes in the Torah, Jerusalem , 1996

Keller, Werner. The Bible as History: archeology confirms the Book of Books. Translated from the German by William Neil. London , Hodder and Stoughton , 1957.

Kimchi, David. 13 th century commentary on the Prophets and Psalms.

K’li Yakar , Commentary by Ephraim Solomon ben Aaron of Luntshitz. 17 th century.

Leeser, Issacs. 24 Books of the Holy Scriptures, 1853.

Luria, Solomon ben Jehiel, 16 th century author of halachic works and Talmudic commentaries.

Luzzato, Moshe Hayim, Mesilat Yesharim, The Path of the Just.

Magen Avraham , Halachic Commentary on Shulchan Aruch by Avraham Gumbiner. 17 th century.

Maimonides, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (12 th century physician, halachist, codifier and philosopher). Guide for the Perplexed.

Manson, Thomas Walter. Companion to the Bible, New Edition by H.H. Rowly. Edinburgh, T. and T. Clark, 1963.

Mechilta . Halachic Midrash on Exodus.

Midrash Hagadol . 13 th century Rabbinic work on the Torah.

Mooree, George Foot. Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian era: the age of the Tannaim, Harvard University Press, Cambridge , 1927.

Mozeson, Isaac E. “The Word,” New York , 1989.

Neiman, HaRav Mordechai , Israel , Torah and World Peace , Mount Zion .

Pritchard, James Bennet. TheAncient Near East, Princeton University Press, Princeton , NJ , 1958.

Rabbinovizc, Rafaael Nathan Neta (11835-18880, Talmudic scholar, published collections of various readings in the Talmud, under the title, Dikduke Soferim.

Ramban, Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (1194-1270). Talmudic scholar, kabbalist and author of a commentary on the Torah.

Rasag, Saadiah ben Josepph Gaon.

Rashi, Rabbi Shlomo ben Yitzchak (1040-1105). Author of a commentary on the Bible and on the Talmud.

Richards, Rick. Origins of our Faith. Hebrew Roots of Christianity. Tafford Publishing. Sales@trafford.com.

Robertson , Robertson, John M. “Pagan Christs. Studies in Comparative Hierology,” London 1982.

Rowly, Harolld Henry, From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archeology, Oxford University Press, 1950.

Sforno, Ovadiah ben Jacob. Rabbiniical scholar, author of a commentary on the Torah.

Shapiro, Dr. S. Mevo L’Mishnah Torah Moshe ve haneviim, Mossad Harav Kook, 1961.

Singer, HaRav Tuvia www.outreach.org POB. 789, Monsey NY 10952 .

Smith, William Robertson. The religion of the Semites: The Fundamental Institutions, Meridan Books, New York , 1956.

Soloveitchik, Rabbi Dr. Joseph. The Lonely Man of Faith, 1965.

Tana debe elijahu. Midrashic work.

Woolley, Ssir Charles Leonard. Ur of the Chaldees: a record of seven years of excavation, New York , 1930.

Wright, George Ernest. Biblical Archeology, Westminster Press, Philadelphia , 1957.

Yadin, Yiggael and Hayyim Rabin. Mehkarim bi-Megilloth ha-Genuzzoth (Studies in the Hidden Scrolls), Eliezer Lipa Sukenik Memerial Volume, Jerusalem , 1961.

Yadin, Yiggael and Hayyim Rabin.The Accuracy of the Bible: the stories of Joseph, the Exodus and Genesis confirmed and illustrated by Egyptian monuments and language. W. Heinemann, London , 1934.

Yadin,, Yiggael and Hayyim Rabin. Teffillin from Qumran , 1969.

Zohar . Central work of Kabbalah. Attributed to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.

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