Brit-Am Ephraimite Forum no.43
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Ephraimite Forum-43
Date: 19/February/08 13th Adar-2 5768
1. Cohen in a Kilt
2. Emigration of Scotch and Scotch-Irish to America
3. Ancient Astronomical Clock Machinery Discovered?

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1. Cohen in a Kilt
From: Trisha
Hi Yair, Here's a true story of Cohen in a kilt.       The church
 is in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
 I copied the story from a program booklet handed  out at the Montreal Highland Games quite awhile ago. This is all the info that I could find...
...Repoduced from Montreal, 350 years in Vignettes by E.A. Collard with permission from the Gazette. 

Cohen in a Kilt
The huge stained-gloss window at the end of the chancel in the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul on Sherbrooke St. is known at the "Black Watch window". Included in it, in the second panel from the left, is the Star of David.
It is there as a special tribute to Lt. Myer T, Cohen, MC. He had joined the 42nd Battalion of the Black Watch wren it was regrouped with reinforcements in France in 1916. The 42nd soon moved back into fighting line. Cohen, tenacious and daring on patrols, had a jaunty way of facing danger and he was soon a favorite officer.
In October 1917 he was in a raid on the enemy trenches in which he captured three prisoners, and in a further raid he captured three more. Both raids were carried out with no casualties. His achievements came at a time when the Allies were particularly anxious to have prisoners for  questioning.

The idea of a Jewish officer in a Highland kilt led to a deal of friendly bantering. Cohen jokingly promised to change his name to "MacCohen" ? and he came to be
populparly known as MacCohen.
After one raid, Brig.-Gen. A. C. Macdonell, commander of the 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade, wrote the battalion "Well done, 42nd; well done, old Cohen. I herewith and hereby confer on him the brevet rank of 'Mac' to be used whenever and wherever he likes, but it must always be MacCohen in the kilt. I am generally pleased and proud of MacCohen and not for the first time."
After 14 months in action, Cohen had made his mark in  the regiment's history. He wore the ribbon of the Cross for his gallantry. Then, on Nov. 3, 1917, he was ordered to storm a strong enemy position at Passchendoele. At the head of his men, he reached his objective ? the ruins of Graf House. But no reinforcements  were available. He and his men held their position till all were killed.
When the Black Watch window was designed everyone agreed that Lt. Myer Cohen must have some memorial of his own in it. The Star of David was introduced for his sake.

2. Emigration of Scotch and Scotch-Irish to America

3. Ancient Astronomical Clock Machinery Discovered?
Mysteries of computer from 65BC are solved

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