BAMAD no.42

 DNA and 
 Anthropology Updates 

Updates in DNA studies along with Anthropological Notes of general interest with a particular emphasis on points pertinent to the study of Ancient Israelite Ancestral Connections to Western Peoples as explained in Brit-Am studies.


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Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update
1. George Theiss
Significance of DNA Findings with Brit-Am Reply and DNA Explained
2. Altruism and sexual attractiveness
3. #299 -
Niam Niam: the Cannibal Map of the World

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1. George Theiss
Significance of DNA Findings in the Lichtenstein Cave
with Brit-Am Reply and DNA Explained


Yair, what are your thoughts on the recent male line Y-DNA studies by Mike Hammer and others?
The 2008 Y-DNA Haplotree at Family Tree DNA shows the J Haplogroup (found with high frequency in Jewish males) as most closely related to the I Haplogroup (found with high frequency in Scandinavian (Subclade I1) and Saxon (Subclade I2b) males.
The I Haplogroup is a minority Haplogroup (about 15% of European males).  The J Haplogroup is also a minority Haplogroup in Europe (about 12% of European males).
The skeletal remains of an extended family found buried together in the Lichtenstein Cave (near Dorst in Lower Saxony) came up mostly I2b for the 19 males tested.
What astounded the archaeologists, was that these ancient pagans were burying their family dead in caves (much like the Jews, I might add) and not cremating them.
The remains were dated for about 3,000 years ago, though the dates often have a wide range of error.
George Theiss
USMC Vietnam Veteran

Brit-Am Reply and DNA Explained:
It is true that J is predominant amongst Jews and J2 is considered the basic Jewish Y(Male) haplogroup or rather those Jews who have J2 are considered as most likely to represent the core element of the Jewish People even though J2 is also found in numerous other populations.
Haplogroup I is similar to J and the distinction between the two may even be considered an artificial one.
I is found in Scandinavia especially Sweden and in smaller percentages also in Germany and England.
I is also found in the Balkans especially Croatia and is PREDOMINANT in Sardinia.
We more or less are following all of these developments.

The fact is that our reservations about DNA still hold:

YDNA Reversed
Were R1 and N The Forefathers?
"All observed mutations cause a loss of DNA information"

The Brit-Am Position is that:
If DNA is true then our own understanding will be confirmed.

R (mainly Europeans) or N (Finland, Russia, Siberia) probably represent Primordial Man since their DNA Trees are the most complicated.
All other Y Haplgroups may be considered as simplifications of R or N (that themselves are not so different from each other).
When viewed this way we do not need a progressive evolution downwards.
Changes can occur by "jumping".
For example a relatively minor loss in R would give us Q (Amerindians and some Asians).
A much greater loss in R would give us J.
If the principle of "loss" is accepted there is no reason why the "losses" once they begin to occur at determinative moments have to be greater or lesser.

2. Altruism and sexual attractiveness

3. #299 - Niam Niam: the Cannibal Map of the World

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