Brit-Am Research Sources.
A collection of informational leads for further study.

2 November 2011, 5 Cheshvan 5772.
1. Herodotus: Ancient Germany and Central Europe were Virtually Unpopulated!
2. Scandinavian Bronze Age Ethnic Origins and Artistic Smilarities to Egypt and Carthage.
3. Tyre and Sparta (Both Edom?) Linked!


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1. Herodotus:  Ancient Germany and Central Europe were Virtually Unpopulated!

Brit-Am Significance:
In The Tribes we described how the Ten Tribes moved to Scythia and from there via a sojourn in Central Europe, Scandinavia, and Germany, moved westward.

Conventional understanding is that the peoples in these regions had always been there. Nowadays they are prepared to admit that new elements may have arrived from the east but these were not necessarily significant.
In reply, we quoted from  archaeological evidence that most of Germany and the related area in ca. 700 BCE was empty.
The extract below from Herodotus shows that this was testified to be a contemporary historian who did not live that far away from the area in question.
[Julius Caesar also indirectly gives evidence of his own but this we shall quote at another time.]

The reference below mentioning the Sgynnai being colonists from the  Medes is interesting since one of the areas the Israelites were taken to was "the cities of the Medes" (2-Kings 17).

Herodotus ca. 484-424 BCE (The Histories, 5.9):
9. Of the region lying further on towards the North of this country no one can declare accurately who the men are who dwell in it; but the parts which lie immediately beyond the Ister [i.e. Danube] are known to be uninhabited and vast in extent. The only men of whom I can hear who dwell beyond the Ister are those who are said to be called Sigynnai, and who use the Median fashion of dress. Their horses, it is said, have shaggy hair all over their bodies, as much as five fingers long; and these are small and flat-nosed and too weak to carry men, but when yoked in chariots they are very high-spirited; therefore the natives of the country drive chariots. The boundaries of this people extend, it is said, to the parts near the Enetoi, who live on the Adriatic; and people say that they are colonists from the Medes. In what way however these have come to be colonists from the Medes I am not able for my part to conceive, but everything is possible in the long course of ages. However that may be, the Ligurians who dwell in the region inland above Massalia call traders Sigynnai, and the men of Cyprus give the same name to spears.

cf. Small Horses of German Urnfield Culture
The cattle were rather small, with a height of 1.20 m at the withers. Horses were not much bigger with a mean of 1.25 m.

2. Scandinavian Bronze Age Ethnic Origins and Artistic Smilarities to Egypt and Carthage.

Brit-Am Significance: The references below show that Scandinavia received immigrants from areas in the east.
We believe these to have been Israelites. The Northern Israelites before their exile had been heavily permeated by Egyptian and Canaanite culture as archaeological findings prove.
One of the overseas colonies founded by the Canaanites was Carthage. The Phoenicians were in effect Canaanites.
Finds in Scandinavia showing similarities to those of Egypt, Carthage, and the Middle East area in general therefore help strengthen our position that Israelites moved there.

Bronze Age goddesses in wagon or boat

Scandinavian Statuettes of Levantine Tanit(Carthage) -Ashira.

El the High (Sumerian An) from the Levant and his "brother" from Danish bog find

Middle East origins of Balder myth.
Carvings in Scandinavia similar to Babylonian and Hittite findings. Language similarities with Hittite.

Visits of Minoans (Cret, Philistines) recorded in  Bohuslan, east Gautland, Sweden

Immigration from Egypt to Scandinavia in Bronze Age

Description Note: Compares Scandinavian carvings to findings in Egypt , Carthage, and the Middle East. English is not clear.

European review about mtDNA haplogroup T1 in Gothenburg area tells about commonness 22 % with Egypt

"In London, in 1891, C.W.Skarstedt was awarded the Medal of Merit at the "Orientalist Congress", and he had also represented Lund University at the Congress of the Orientalists in Stockholm in 1889. He received the Award for his thesis, which was sent to the Congress in London, a thesis entitled On the Existence of Phoenician Colonization in Scandinavia."

Not only that. Around 7 years ago I wrote about the exceptional rock-carvings near Gothenburg in the valley of Gauta Elv. Then I suggested heavy connections to Egypt and that fits the mtDNA as evidence.

A calendar at Jaetteberget (Giants rock) Alvhem near Gothenburg.

The site with rock-carvings is around 40 kilometres upstream from centre of Gothenburg.
 Some of the ships associate to Egyptian reed boats.
When we look at details, we also associate to Egypt. On the boat at left is a dog's head at left and at the other end cone for Khons that symbolised corn and harvest. The normal way to mark the season. Another example is "from empty boat to basket" In Egypt the dog may be Sirius or Canis Major. A cone was the symbol for the harvested grain, so we may read the boat "from the Sirius dog to Cone".

 The Crocodile do not belong to the same people as the calendar from Alvhem and it seems originally to belong to some Canaanite tribe.

The hand tell us that and we know it from Carthage. That means the origin could be Tyre and in the temple of Hazor we see hands holding the Eastern Moon. Still the people could be from the Nile Delta since the trading cities surely kept enclaves even in Egypt. It was a necessity to have stores and to have rest place and also rather grow their basic food. So they just established an enclave at Alvhem - Skepplanda

3. Tyre and Sparta (Both Edom?) Linked!
Phoencian trade

Tyre was specialised in dyes. Seemingly they started a "joint venture" with Sparta in Lakonia.
The hoplites = warriors loved the red colour of blood in their dress. Wound would not be too visible on a red dress ... they were though guys. We can only guess that Sidon hired hoplites from Sparta.

Ambruns in the North and Amongst the Saxons.

Saga Book of the Viking Society vol. 8 1913-1914, London.
A Map of Denmark 1900 Years Old  by Gudmund Schutte p.59
Ombrones near Burgundians (in Poland) equal Angler-Saxon Ambrones from south-west of the Baltic.
Saxons often called Ambrones by their Welsh neighbours (Nennius, etc) p.81
Widsith palces Ymbre near Saxons in germany. p.81
Imbrae in Danish isles of Fehmern.
Also Ambrum Isle west of south Jutland.

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